READY-Getting the seller to get Ready to Go....can be a difficult task sometimes. You would think that when they decide to list their home that they would be thinking that they will be moving soon. But I find that many are not ready to leave their home that they have built memories in not to me...
Do you know a deserving individual or organization in the Reno/Carson or Tahoe Areas who could benefit from a Interior Redesign? Real Estate Staging Unlimited will be offering Two FREE one room Interior Redesign for a deserving individual or organization! Why?October is IRIS® Get Redesigned M...
This month I am being honored as (RESA)Real Estate Staging Association Stager STAGER of the Month and it is always a privilege to be recognized among my associates and peers. I love what I do and I always look forward when I complete a project and my client says WOW! If you are not familiar wi...
! Karel Rogers is a presenter at this year IRIS 2008 October Conference in San Diego Super Information Highway is a term used for the Internet and Driving 55 won't work on this Highway - it is the age of speed when you use the Internet! I am excited to present information how to use the Inter...
Free Lunch and Learn on Real Estate Staging Please be our guest...we will be presenting information about staging and why it has become the secret weapon of savvy Realtors and homeowners for selling homes in this SLOW market. If you want to get the best listing price and the home sold in the ...
Ever meet a person that is monotone and doesn't have the ability to tell a story or answer a question? Well houses are the same-they must engage the buyer and create conversation! When selling a home many times the homeowner has already relocated and the home now sits empty lacking the once beaut...
Staging is not a new concept it has been around since the early 90's but like everything it takes an idea to travel around awhile before everyone catches the concept. HGTV was the wild fire for staging. They informed their viewers about this innovative concept of presenting the home completing ...
Real Estate Staging Unlimited is the largest home staging company in the Reno areas. Great Tips to get your home ready to SELL!l Curb Appeal: Buyers begin to make decisions whether they will buy the house as soon as they drive up to it. At minimum, lawns should be freshly mowed, leaves raked or ...
We are proud to announce our newest division of our company- Staging Business Solutions Staging Business Solutions is designed to help the home staging professionals by providing business tools to help grow a healthy-happy business! Hi my name is Karel Rogers. I am the founder of Real Estate Sta...
I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the national contest Stager Idol sponsored by Real Estate Staging Association. I have now moved up to the final 10 contestants and have just submitted a real estate staging project that will judged by the celebrity judges which will determine if...