Sham Reddy's Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH
"From every mountainside, let freedom ring." -Martin Luther King Jr. Happy July 4th! Enjoy the Holiday & Please be safe!!!Sham Reddy CRSHoward Hanna Real Estate Services, Dayton, OH937-545-0822
Happy Father's (Unsung heroes) day this Sunday to all the dads!!! These are the guys that don't mind being in the second place right behind mom and contribute to the family values in raising responsible citizens!!! Enjoy your day!!!Sham Reddy CRSHoward Hanna RE ServicesDayton, OH
The federal holiday, falling on the last Monday of May, honors members of the US armed forces who died serving their country in wars. This year, Memorial Day is on Monday, May 27Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning t...
“Niche Markets” or “Specialty Markets”While majority of the real estate agents go after anything and everything in the market place making them “General Practitioners” other agents develop “Specialty” or “Niche” markets and tend to specialize in those areas reducing their competition to ridiculou...
Referral from the daughter (Whom I sold a home several years ago) of a first time buyer, 55+years old, never owned home in her name, had been renting ever since her divorce several years ago. Fixed income, OK credit score, not enough trade lines to get a loan.  Wanted a small home for her.Worked ...
I am so blessed to be part this group since 2009 when one of my dear friends introduced me to this group in Chicago at a Floyd Wickman Master Sales Academy. One great thing I am grateful for COVID that we as a group got closer and more sharing thru zoom calls.I am particular thankful to few peopl...
Remember: One Nation under GOD, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL!!!
Flower Challenge!!! I just noticed it. I like to share a share a flower called Primrose. They need very little maintenance or watering. They spread like crazy by reseeding themselves and flower by hundreds!!! Love the color. But it only bloom once in early spring and sparingly later in Fall
"May the Force (Fourth)" has a very special meaning to me! My force had been with me for last 45years!!! That's the best thing ever happened to me when she said yes!!! I love and respect her more now than when I married her, just for putting up with me! Yes, it was an "arranged marriage" for thos...
Happy and blessed Easter Sunday for Jesus has Risen and will shine his ever loving light on you! The Day that saved the world!!!Happy Passover to my Jewish friends!!! 

Sham Reddy CRS

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