Please help me understand... I get tons of calls from Realtors asking what my price to inspect such and such house would be....I give them my speech about price and blah blah blah.....hard to sell yourself to the non end user of your services. Sometimes I never hear from them again..My question....
Ok...I know the title of my blog seems a bit odd and perhaps a bit conflicted, but I had a situation yesterday that is making me wonder about something. I am going to be as frank as possible, yet careful as well with this one and I would like to gauge interest in this idea. Yesterday, my inspect...
I send a ton of emails. I think I mentioned in my last post that I am addicted. I am. It is easy and it is fast and most most men, I'm into instant gratification.Before my inspections, I send emails to my clients, my clients' Realtors, and the listing agent. These emai...
I have an email problem....I am addicted to it. Not to mention that in the last 10 years I have been slowly but surely converting my business(s) to paperless, so I hardly receive faxes anymore or send them for that matter. Everything is emailed with .pdf files.Free .pdf creator btw ;) htt...
There is something I hear around my service area that I feel I should address. "The Home Inspector failed the house"Huh?A home doesn't pass nor fail a home inspection. Home Inspectors don't have a secret grading formula that will give a home a letter grade. A home inspection by design isn't supp...