Hello to all who have been follwing my recent series of posts...I must apologize but I have taken ill and will not be able to post the next segment in my series until next Monday. I do apologize and thank each and everyone who has taken the time to read my information. Please be sure and check ba
Part IICan't see the Forest through the Trees.A wise friend of mine once told me "If the only tool in your kit is a hammer, every problem will look like a nail." Well, in this case the only tool I had was my ‘baseball bat marketing" so all my customers looked like baseballs, even though they were
Niche marketing - we have all heard that term before. "You just have to find you're niche." How may times have you heard that before? I was told that many times, and I kept waiting to find it, but it just never showed up. The waiting game nearly put me out of the business! I wasn't sure what my n
Regardless of what the signing pirate waiters say on TV, there is no 'free' credit report at the place they tell you to go. The 'free' means that you get the first month free and after that you must opt out in order to not get charged 14.95 per month. I guess it wasn't bad enough that there were
Simply put, I think we stopped recognizing the value of a good title company. I know I am guilty of taking good title service for granted, especially as a buyer's agent. In this foreclosure market frenzy, some title companies (at least in my area) have become almost single sourced for business. S
Thank you to all of you who responded to my Outlook blog and requested that I post additional tips. I am going to continue to do so as I add/improve and upgrade my outlook capability. In the mean time I thought I should also pass along some of the other resources I use to to inspire and adapt my
HELP! I am actually getting to busy to blog. Ever used this excuse? I know i have. This is a good thing (being busy), but I also recognize that my blogging, in part, is part of the reason why my business has started to grow. Blogging has become just another one of my prospecting tools, and I know
Time to get out the word. Bad market? Humbug. Depressed markets? Hogwash. Buyers haven't had it so good in ages. Low interest, low prices, lenders desperate for clients. How could this not be great?Okay, I watch the news too, and I see the doom and gloom report everyday, day in and day out. So? I
For many years I thought being in the green was way more important than being green. I also was under the misconception that you couldn't do both. It seemed for too many years that the two views were mutually exclusive. A few years later and I am began to understand that being green has long term
HUD Releases New FHA, Conforming Loan Limits The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development today published new FHA and conforming loan limits. The limits are based on median home prices as mandated by the Economic Stimulus Act signed by President Bush in February. The new loan limits for