What percentage of buyers did you get into contract last year that blew up in your face because the loan fell apart? With the actual ratio of applications to loan closings running at about 50%, that means all of us in the real estate business spent a lot of time last year SPINNING OUR WHEELS. Me
If California were a big furry dog, its owner would have a clogged vacuum cleaner. That's because California is SHEDDING JOBS at a fast and furious pace. What's left behind is just as worthless as a bunch of dog hair on your carpet: a big fat mess that needs to be cleaned up. Oh if it were only a
Late last year, I developed this strange obsession with the color yellow. Bright, pure canary yellow. What the heck? Blonds don't even do yellow. It started with a craving... for of all things.... a yellow purse! Nothing else in my entire wardrobe is YELLOW. Of course I told all of my friends abo
As a Realtor, do you detest the marketing pieces you get from mortgage brokers? Do you cringe when a mortgage broker starts walking towards you? Do you delete newsletters, crumple up rate sheets, and think this: "I already HAVE all the mortgage contacts I need, thank you very much." I am working
This California (vegetarian) mortgage broker is eating a big helping of CROW today, and what do you know? It tastes great. Surely I must have been one of the first to make this declaration early in 2008: What will it matter if rates go to 2% if the house won't appraise and the buyer won't qualif
What is the biggest misconception in the mind of the guy about to make an offer on a house? This seller must be absolutely desperate to sell this house. I will ignore the asking price, because all houses are priced with plenty of negotiating room. Sellers expect low ball offers in this market. A
Why do we continue to cling to the idea that to justify a purchase, it must be an EXTREME BARGAIN? Are we truly brilliant because we can buy something at 70% off? Or are we just plain stupid because the very first day it was displayed it was ALREADY 50% off? Suggested retail price seems to be no
This is the story of Bethany and Rob, empty nester babyboomers who thought they were doing the loving thing by agreeing to care for an elderly parent. They ending up being being slapped in the face by a harsh lending world that has no sympathy for "family arrangements". Bethany and Rob owned a se