The Short Sale Specialist Network is a nationwide network of Realtors(R) who specialize in helping home owners avoid a foreclosure by working a short sale.
Our company works with thousands of pre-screened sellers around the country ever month, referring them to preffered partner members of our network
We offer unparalleled FREE resources for agents who work short sales, as well as a short sale training program and referral program. Visit our main agent site at
When Chase started sending incentive solicitation letters to their borrowers in hardship early this year, many in the real estate industry were excited about the potential positive impact it could have. Sending letters to home owners offering $5,000 to as much as $35,000 BACK as a short sale in...
Here is an email that I sent out earlier today to our members As a member of The Short Sale Specialist Network, I wanted to personally invite you to the upcoming Short Sale Symposium at Sea Cruise/Conference that is right around the corner. We have gathered together many asset managers and some...
Benefits of a Short Sale vs. Foreclosure For homeowners trapped in the unfortunate situation of having to choose between a short sale vs. foreclosure, it may feel like being trapped between a rock and a hard place. This is very understandable for the homeowner facing foreclosure; it appears to b...
Third Quarter 2011 National Mortgage Delinquency Survey The NDS is one of the most recognized sources for residential mortgage delinquency and foreclosure rates. Based on a sample of approximately 44 million mortgage loans serviced by mortgage companies, commercial banks, thrifts, credit unions...
Bank of America Short Sale Escalation Guidelines Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender © 2011 Bank of America Corporation. Some products may not be available in all states. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to len...
Senators Urge Government to Create an REO Rental Program Quickly Thirty-three senators submitted a letter Thursday encouraging the Obama administration and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to w... Started by Mike Linkenauger 0 yesterday Did I just blow this short sale? It's with B...
This is to officially announce that we no longer allow public registration for Preferred Partner Membership in the Short Sale Specialist Network. Anyone interested in getting listing assignments directly from us must first GO HERE and fill out a contact form and complete our new interview pro...
Just wanted to announce to our agents on here that I will be doing an interview this Friday with Tim Harris from Harris Real Estate University. Tim is the #1 REO and Short Sale Trainer and Coach in the country, and he will be interviewing me as part of his Superstar Agent Series regarding what e...
Here is an email we just recieved from Bank of America. For short sales with Bank of America in the state of Florida, they are now offering up to $20,000 for sellers to participate in a short sale in many cases. With this program, Florida home owners can get cash back for a short sale with Ban...
Here are a few areas where we really need an agent IMMEDIATELY to work one of these listing assignments. You do NOT have to be a Preferred Partner Member to work one of these, as we do not even have ONE preferred partner to cover these areas - Currently, we need an agent to accept a short sale l...