The Short Sale Specialist Network is a nationwide network of Realtors(R) who specialize in helping home owners avoid a foreclosure by working a short sale.
Our company works with thousands of pre-screened sellers around the country ever month, referring them to preffered partner members of our network
We offer unparalleled FREE resources for agents who work short sales, as well as a short sale training program and referral program. Visit our main agent site at
What are the Qualifications for a Short Sale? A Real Estate short sale is an alternative to a foreclosure which offers many benefits over foreclosure. Choosing to do a short sale stops the bank from foreclosing, allowing the homeowner to avoid the public spectacle of foreclosure proceedings, sal...
Home Sales for Detroit Realcomp, a listing service out of Detroit, has been tracking home sales locally. Detroit’s metropolitan area in the month of October, showed home sales rising again even though in the central region of the state sales showed further declined. When showing comparisons from ...
The Federal Reserve Dealing with Distressed Loans According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, among residential homeowners in sixth district of the Federal Reserve, which include Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida. The percent of the distressed first-lien subpri...
Why Do Short Sales Take So Long To Complete? For the homeowner anxious to complete a short sale and move on with their lives, the long, drawn out short sale process can feel like an eternity. Regular listings close approximately 30 days after listing on average – faster if it’s a hot market. Real...
MBA Urges FHFA to Maintain Current Servicer Compensation Model WASHINGTON, DC (December 8, 2011) –The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) today filed a comment letter with the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) in response to its “Alternative Mortgage Servicing Compensation Discussion Paper,” a...
Why a Short Sale is a Better Option Than a Loan Modification One of the hardest things that you might experience is losing your home that you have worked so hard for. This is actually a problem that many property owners are experiencing nowadays, what with all the financial problems plaguing the ...
Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Short Sale Realtor The number of short sales being performed on homes and properties is continuously increasing. This is due to the fact that the percentage of home owners experiencing financial problems is also on the rise. If you are one of these people, then...
Do Loan Modifications Really Work Permanently? After the real estate crisis hit America, the majority of homeowners are now facing foreclosures and the possibility of losing their homes. Most homeowners have resorted to either refinancing or applying for a loan modification program. But the more ...
Will I be forgiven of the deficiency in a short sale? Facing a financial struggle can be a really challenging part in any individual’s life, especially if it was due to any number of hardships beyond the individual’s control such as the loss of employment, death of a family member, divorce, or an...
How To Do A Short Sale While a short sale holds many benefits for the homeowner when compared to foreclosure, or even loan modification – which is often merely a short term solution – a real estate short sale is significantly more complicated than a standard real estate transaction. Some Realtors...