Don't have the time to process your own Shortsale cases? Then, contact "Loss Mitigation Shortsale Institute (LMSI). We provide fast, efficient, cost-effective processing services to you in order to get your shortsale deals accepted and approved. We help and assist you to: (1) sign up the homeowne
"NEW LAWS" for "Loss Mitigation" and "Shortsales" Are you in compliance with the "NEW LAWS" passed on Loss Mitigation & Shortsales in your state? As of 9/21/08 - 18 states have passed "NEW LAWS" on Loss Mitigation and Shortsales. Other states are in the process of passing new laws [statutes] i
REALTORS/INVESTORS - WOULD YOU LIKE TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS DEPRESSED ECONOMY??? Get the "Best" training, education and programs in the industry for LOSS MITIGATION and SHORTSALES to increase your business in this depressed real estate market. We are the PROFESSIONALS, EXPERTS, who offe
I would like to thank my husband Robert Bolton for his service in the Vietnam war. He served in the 173rd Airborn Division. Our prayers are with all the soldiers who fight ot keep our country FREE. Thanks Again Robert. Your Wife Jeanne Marie. Now we fight to keep homeowners in thier homes.
If you want more listing add Loss Mitigation and Shortsales to your expertize. If we didn't specialize in this field we would not have any of these listings. This niche has given us more lisiting and business. We don't just teach Loss mitigation and Shortsales. We work to close these deals. If al
In order to really be successful in Loss Mitigation and Shortsales you need to have a good lead source. We have found that source. These are homeowners who are asking for our help. We can make any where from $1200.00 and up for a Loss mitigation case. They are much easier then a Shortsale Deal.
How we get most of our listings is through Loss mitigation. We will first offer the homeowner in Foreclosure Loss Mitigation Services to try and help them Save thier Home. We charge a fee for the service if we are successful in helping them. If they can't save it we will offer them a Shortsale op
With our Shortsale Millions Course you will learn two very differnt ways to do Shortsales.(1) We will teach you how to work them as a realtor in your area. (2) We will teach you how to tie them up any where in the country with our exclusive paperwork and you will get a referal fee from the realt
Loss Mitigation Shortsale Institiute is seeing a great need for Loan Modifications recenty. There are so many homeowners in ajustable rates that are looking for our help. Most of these homeowners are not in trouble yet but they know they will be when thier payment adjusts. Most are still workin
Two Day Workshop"LOSS MITIGATION & SHORTSALE MILLIONS" 2-Day WorkshopTM'THE INSIDER SECRETS' TO PRE-FORECLOSURE FORTUNES!The Loss Mitigation Program: "Loss Mitigation, The Gateway to Shortsales was created and designed to serve as a quick, ready and informative program and reference guide to all