Credit scores are important for almost everything you do today - from getting a loan to getting a job! If you must chose between foreclosure and a short sale, take a short sale but it would be better to try to negotiate with your lender first. You may be able to get lower payments and not affect
You don't need to do all of this if you want to sell for pennies on the dollar, but if you want the most money you can get for your home, you need to do some preparation. Contact me and I can give you a free consultation on how best to show your home. Sharon Sapp, e-Pro Realtor - Sharon.Sapp@Cent
For more advice on home buying, see my website at this step, the funding is in place and we know how much you can afford. This is a great time to find a Realtor, if you haven't already. It's important to choose a Realtor that you get along with well since you're going to
A part of the stimulus bill benefits first time home buyers. read this and contact me if you have any further questions.As I write this, the president is poised to sign the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, better known as the $787 billion Economic Stimulus Plan. There has been much
Don't just stay on the sidelines. Let your voice be heard!New Update!- as of 3:30p EST Speaker Pelosi states the revisions are still being drafted and the House Vote has been postponed until tomorrow to allow for time to review the language. As of this moment there are still no new updates on the
Although these are tips for first time home buyers, they are great for anyone looking to buy a home!The process of buying your first home can be wonderful and worrisome at the same time. For most people, their homes are the largest purchases they will make in their lives. You might wake up at thr
Price it right the first time. If you're shopping for a home, wouldn't you think something is wrong with the home if it's been on the market for a year? Your Realtor should be honest and show you what is selling. Price it there, not what you would like to get for it to move on. Be creative. The h
Ask a friend or your realtor to pretend they are the buyer and walk through your home with you, asking questions as they go. You might be surprised at what is noticed and what isn't.Remember when you prepared to go out on a first date? You made darn sure your clothes were ironed, your shoes poli
Want someone on your side? You can't go wrong with a buyer's agent!Most people looking for homes today will start by looking on the Internet. I believe the latest numbers from is that over 70% of home buyers search for a home on the Internet before they contact an agent. What I want
Earnest money used to be called "Good Faith Deposit". That's really what it is. The buyer is telling the seller how much they really want to buy their home. Buyers should put themselves in the sellers' shoes to determine if they would accept that amount as a good reason for the seller to stop try