We just helped save another homeowner from foreclosure in Charlotte! It is always rewarding to save a homeowner from foreclosure. Especially when a homeowner thought they had no alternative to a foreclosure. Initially when our client reached out to us he was ready to throw the towel in. After
We just helped save another homeowner from foreclosure in Charlotte! It is always rewarding to save a homeowner from foreclosure. Especially when a homeowner thought they had no alternative to a foreclosure. This loan was with Wells Fargo and it was a FHA loan. She was a single mother who had so
The Affect of Shortsale VS. Foreclosure on Your Credit Score. That is always the big question I get from clients. "Will I have to pay the difference between what I owe on the house and the final shortsale price" is another big question. Well, I always tell my clients that 9 times out of 10 a s
Short Sale Myths by a Shortsale Specialist in Charlotte A short sale can be an excellent solution for homeowners who must sell and owe more on their homes than they are worth. Unfortunately, a number of myths about short sales have developed, and it is important to understand the reality of th
Any homeowner that is considering a shortsale needs to know what to expect during the process. First of all make sure you have an agent that understands shortsales. It always helps if you select an agent that has some type of certification in shortsales. There are two certifications in particular
These are the items needed for the initial Short Sale Package to be sent to the bank. Each bank is a little different and will require more or less. Authorization to Release Information Sellers Hardship Letter Seller's Financial information 2 years w2's 2 months pay stubs 2 months bank statemen
I was surprised when I got an email saying that " This Shortsale has been approved with no mortgage insurance payment." Our team of Shortsale Specialistswas working a shortsale transaction with a bank called IBM. We had gotten an offer on one of our listings that had a $400,000.00 mortgage. The o
More Banks Prefer to do Short Sales. I was at a conference this weekend and there were a few asset managers there for various banks. Well, this conference was more about REO than it was Short Sales. So I will really surprised when the asset managers started talking about Short Sales. I am locate
HSBC Bank approves shortsale in Charlotte fast. I was really surprised when I was working on a shortsale in Charlotte. I had put the house on the market and told the sellers that it would be several months before we sold the house. Everyone knows that shortsales usually take several months and s