While having a day and a time to "give back" however you choose to do it is a wonderful reminder of what should be part of what all of us do....whether it is time...money...talent...and other efforts that "give back" we like to think that help when and where help is needed....regardless of
In Wisconsin, after an inspection the Buyer may request repairs or replacements...further examination by specialists in various trades and that is to be expected on any inspection...despite what Sellers or Listing agents want to believe....the perfect house is hard to find. We got an amend
Today...the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is GIVING Tuesday. We all have soooo much to be grateful for...and today is another day we can show our gratitude by giving ...it can be time...it can be money (there are charities that match donations that are given today....it can be a trip to t
As we tour homes with Buyers we observe lots of different features in a home. David concentrates on the construction and mechanical aspects and I look at the layout, decor...let my imagination sore as I imagine what I would do differently with the house that the Sellers did not. Sometimes
We are all deluged with social media ....and Active Rain has made it easy for us to publish our posts on other sites ...including Linked In ....Click and you are there ! Lately it is suggested on a somewhat regular basis that we link to ourselves. Hmmmm....nice folks that we are, 'guess
While many people look forward to the holiday season and the variety of activities and ways to celebrate it...when you are in a relationship that is barely surviving daily living...the holidays can be the added impetus to begin the process ofdivorce....or know that you will after the first of
When you look in your fridge and find covered containers staring back at you with everything from turkey to mashed potatoes...cranberries and vegetables and one more leftover meal is not what you had in mind....here is a suggestion. When we have dinner party with lots of steamed vegetable
The turkey is sliced and in the fridge with the rest of the rest of the leftovers and many of us may be doing a clean sweep of the house after company...looking at the gazllion emails offering Black Friday deals of century...or maybe you are getting ready to brave the crowds and partici
We look at today a little differently than many people...there is no family to share a feast....The kitchen won't be quite as busy as when it was preparing courses ...another meat for Mom and me (not turkey fans) and vegetables aplenty for Thanksgiving soup. Those are fond memories and w
It is with a great deal of emotion that I write this thankful post ....it would be my parents wedding anniversary today of of 71 years.....and I know if they were still here...we would celebrate their lifelong loving relationship. High school sweethearts they married after my mother graduat