
How Much Does Your House Cost in Hours?When we consider the cost of something, we usually think of the cost in terms of money.In order to obtain money, we usually have to spend time working in a job, which pays us money.Since we have a limited amount of time in our lives, it might be worthwhile t...
$3 Billion to Renovate Vacant Houses in Baltimore CityThere are, at least, 15,000 vacant properties in Baltimore City.The City of Baltimore is trying to scrape together $3,000,000,000, and maybe as much as $8,000,000,000 to renovate these 15,000 properties and possibly as many as 45,000 propertie...
Baby Boomers, Do You Remember Why You Bought a Home? Perhaps these are some of the reasons:You wanted the stability that owning a place of your own would provide to you and to your family.  Your children would grow up in a community where they would make lifelong friends and attend the same schoo...
Making a Decision To Buy or Rent Real Estate When making the decision to buy or rent your home, you may want to consider several factors.Here are some of those factors.How long do you intend to stay in the particular residence?  If you are going to stay for a short period of time and then move on...
Waterfront Condo in Harford County MarylandComing to the Market Soon522 Riviera Drive, Joppa, Maryland 21085Price: $310,000Forget Winter.  Spring is just a little over 3 months away.  Are you ready to enjoy the Chesapeake and the land of pleasant living?Top level condo2 bedrooms and 2 full bathro...
Baltimore City Investment Property; Live In It While You Renovate It 312 E 25th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218Price: $180,000It needs to be renovated, but it is livable.Located right in the heart of Baltimore City --- Walk, bike, bus, or drive to Johns Hopkins University, Maryland Institute College ...

Ron Trzcinski, 410-935-5844

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