
Texted, Called, Emailed; No ReplyIf I were talking about a lame lead from weeping willow, then this would be no surprise to any agents in the business; however, when I am talking about another agent, then this is a sign of an agent who should not be in the business.I made an appointment to see a ...
Stranded in Lake Wales, Florida. I helped a client of mine to sell her mobile home in Baltimore County just a couple of years ago so that she could relocate to Lake Wales, Florida. It was a quick and easy sale. After a couple of years in Florida, she is ready to return to the land of pleasant liv...
Squatters in Baltimore CityI have a client in Baltimore City who wants to put 4 investment properties on the market.  They need to be renovated.The problem is that squatters have moved into 3 of the 4 properties.Squatters do not pay rent, do not pay utility bills, do not pay property taxes, do no...

Ron Trzcinski, 410-935-5844

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