Perhaps Many Americans Are Under Employed If This Is What They Do I received 15 text messages in the last three days all telling me about getting a loan. They include statements such as: (Have you ever received a loan?) Enter an email address to see your options! (Get paid today!) We can help w...
I Made an Appointment to see a House, Not to be put on an Email List I am working with a Buyer Client. After determining what type of house that they would like, I search the Multiple List to find a home which meets their requirements. Per the instructions in the Multiple List, I make an appoin...
Showing Instructions The house is vacant and the key box is on the front door. What? That's it? Wow! Wouldn't it be nice if all showing instructions were this easy? Frequently they are this easy, but not always and usually there are reasonable explanations for why the instructions are sometime...
Housing Inventory Is Low, So Increase Your Choices By Looking At Lots The housing inventory is low, meaning that it will take buyers longer to find a house which meets their needs and desires. Additionally, when they do find that house, there will be competition from other buyers such that they m...
FSBO Seller Did Not Want to Use a Middleman, The Real Estate Agent I came upon a FSBO in my travels and the owner happened to be arriving home at the same time that I stopped to take a quick look. The owner asked if she could answer any questions, so rather than beat around the bush, I directly a...