
She Was Too Dolled Up, So I Got The Job High heel shoes, designer nails, stylish hair, and an outfit that showed off a sexy, toned and hot body was all that it took for her to lose out on getting the listing. Did she look good?  Oh Yeah!  However, she looked good for going to a night club, not fo...
Why Didn't You Leave The Windows Open? Sometimes when I make an appointment to show a property, I am instructed to lock all doors when I leave the house.  This almost goes without saying, but apparently the thought of locking the doors has not occurred to some agents. I stopped by one of my listi...
How Low Will Your Seller Go? Have you ever had an agent call you and ask this question: "How low will your seller go?" and not just ask the question, but act as if they deserve an answer. "Look, I don't want to have to write up an offer, go back and forth, waste everybody's time and never come to...

Ron Trzcinski, 410-935-5844

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