If you or someone you know is having trouble paying the mortgage, here are a few programs that may help prevent foreclosure. FHA Secure Overseer (FHA) How it works: Replaces a non-FHA loan with an FHA insured loan. Must be your primary residence, must be an adjustable rate mortgage and not F
For those folks involved with our interested in Colorado Real estate investing, here is another positive trend in rental vacancies in the Northern Colorado rental market. We have been seeing similar number in the Denver Metro rental market. I am also hearing a lot of anecdotal evidence from our
We had out second Denver Foreclosure Tour of bank owned and HUD homes this past Saturday, December 13. Great time, we saw 6 potential investment properties in the Thornton, Northglenn and Westminster neighborhoods. On the bus we had yours truly, Rob Kelly, Realtor with RE/MAX alliance in Lou
We had a team from Japan's NHK (National Public Broadcasting) on board. The Japanese are in the U.S for two weeks documenting the state of the U.S. Economy. They will be compiling a New Years eve special on the U.S Housing Market, Energy, and National Security. 26 potential buyers joined us
We had a great turnout for our second Denver Foreclosure Tour. We had a team from Japan's NHK (National Public Broadcasting) on board. The Japanese are in the U.S for two weeks documenting the state of the U.S. Economy. They will be compiling a New Years eve special on the U.S Housing Market
I was reading some more depressing drivel in the national press, and got to thinking ( i know, that's an oxymoron for a Realtor) Well, those of us in the Real Estate industry should be proud, we are on the front lines of helping to get the American (and world) economy moving... It's commonly
Here are some positive reports for Colorado's future:Home-price index 'positive' for Denver area: Home values in the Denver area dipped 5.4 percent in the year ending in September, far better than the 17.4 percent drop for the 20 cities tracked in the closely monitored S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price
REAL ESTATE MARKET UPDATE An Information Service of RE/MAX Alliance/Boulder Valley December//2008 The 2008 real estate market can most aptly be characterized as one of dynamic change. The future will be noticeably different than the past. In the past, home owners relied on real es
Even though Christmas is still a couple of weeks away, I thought Erie residents would appreciate this information on Tree Recycling... The Parks Division's annual Christmas tree recycling program starts December 26, 2008. Residents can drop off trees through Jan. 11 at Coal Creek Park, located a
As the father of two young girls and the husband of a wife that I love dearly, I thought this class may be of interest to women and girls in our community...The Lafayette police dept. is offering a "Rape Aggression Defense" systems class.The women only classes start with awareness, preventin, ris