Robin's Real Estate Ramblings

Real Estate Agent - Coldwell Banker Advantage - 226608
  A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words or $200K! What is the most important step that you can take in selling your home, besides hiring a fantastic professional Realtor?  The answer:  Make sure that the Realtor that you have hired uses professional photography.   Why is professional photography so...
North Carolina is a beautiful state no matter which way you look.  Just this past Saturday the sky was an amazing shade of blue and speckled with baby clouds.  The sky quiet honestly looked like a Monet painting.  I couldn't help but take a picture, but of course my photograph does not do the be...
                                                     Reason number one million and five why I love working for Go Realty, together we "Give Back". At Go Realty each of our agents have the opportunity to choose a non profit that touches our hearts.  For each closing that an agent has, the agent do...
It is true that Cary, NC is mostly suburbia.  However, if you keep a watchful eye, you will be able to spot lovely places such as this Barn on Louis Stephens Road.  With the yellows of the field, trees, sky, and barn this picture says Fall to me. Hello Fall.  
 Thinking about selling your home and not sure where to begin to prepare your home for sale.  This video will give you 3 tips to help you get started and help you get a big bang for your buck.  Click on the above Link to start the video.   I hope that you enjoy.    
Newcomers to the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, Cary) are often shocked to find that when we have snow, all most everyone has a snow day.  The schools close, as do government offices, and other employees take the opportunity to work from home.  So if you are planning a move to the Triangle or just mo...
I am saying good bye to January 2010, not because it was a bad month, on the contrary.  January 2010 was the best month that I have ever experienced in Real Estate.  Wondering how I could have such a fantastic month in this gloomy economy?  It was easy, I joined a new company.   Actually, it was ...
Ok, so I am a novice blogger.  I am learning as I go.  I have visions of a beautiful blog with pictures, a cool back ground, a great title, and text that readers find enjoyable and insightful  However, I am finding that there is much trial and error and a pretty big learning curve.  As I write th...

Robin Evans

Building relationships while getting results.
smartphone(919) 412-4810
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