...TRASH!!! Having blogged previously about this this vary issue, I am again compelled to bring awareness to the atrocious litter problem that plagues our streets. Who freaking likes litter?! Anyone? What are we as a community prepared to do about it? It's going to take a village of environmen
It's been 30 days as of today, and this deal is closing on time! Everyone of my team performed extraordinarily well, even though Wells Fargo tried to do all they could to prolong the process. Seems that everyone, from the processors to the underwriters are so freaking busy! Are the banks just
My in-laws currently have an interest rate of 7%. They would like to take advantage of today's lower interest rates, and yet, they refinanced in '05, taking money out for a remodel when their property value was nearly a million dollars. They owe approximately $800K, but current value is estima