Are you ready to take your business to the next level? In this free digital real estate business assessment, we'll help you find out if your business is marketing ready!We'll take a look at your website, social media profiles, and email marketing campaigns to determine where you need to focus you...
I'm known for helping brokers, agents, and builders get website traffic, social media followers and engagement, and qualified leads. You may have seen me on ActiveRain recently providing free webinars on How to Use Facebook to Accelerate Your Business, How to Sell New Home Construction, and How t...
Plus we have 10,845 Facebook Followers and growing!Like our Facebook Page to get real estate industry news, agent tips, free webinars, and more!My State MLS on FacebookFree Webinar Replay: Learn how to use Facebook to increase your real estate business.
Know anyone? Please forward to them.We are a nationwide real estate multiple listing service, for agents, brokers, auctioneers, appraisers, and more. Our Go Home TV is a new video news, feature story, and webinar channel to inform and help real estate professionals make more money ...
Make More MoneyGet More ListingsEarn More Leads with My State MLSMy State MLS is the only multiple listing service that allows you to take your business statewide and nationwide, with no additional hassles or fees. Our platform brings your real estate business to the digital age and provides you ...
As the market tightens, we are recommending that residential real estate agents diversify into other areas of the real estate business. Crexi is the latest commercial property syndication portal on This new partnership means new opportunities for commercial real estate sales. Crex...
In a tough market, it's time to diversify! Property management, commercial property sales...Crexi is the latest commercial property syndication portal on MyStateMLS.comThis new partnership means new opportunities for commercial real estate sales.Crexi is the fastest-growing commercial real estate...
Real estate business drying up for you?Did your buyers dry up when the interest rates went up? In this market listings are king. If you're looking for new business, try Open Listings.You can do it on My State MLS.Watch the How to Do Open Listings video.Contact me, Joe Mendez, I'll help you make m...
David Mink, VP of Operations at My State MLS, shows real estate agents and brokers how to maximum exposure for listings using My State MLS.See More [Go Home TV]
A comprehensive article about the current state of the new home construction market was published by the Wall Street Journal that covered these highlights:- Mortgage rates have surged to 7%, their highness level since 2002 and more than double the rate of a year ago.- Existing-home prices are dec...