plagiarism: How To Succeed on ActiveRain without Really Trying
- 05/12/13 10:05 AM
How do you gauge your success here on ActiveRain? How do you determine whether your time, energy, and resources spent participating on this platform have a reasonable return on your investment? For many members, rising to the Top of the Point Scoring Heap is an obvious, measurable achievement. It's easy to get caught up in the competitive aspect of racking up points to achieve the top spot in your respective city, county, or State. We all like to be #1 and see our profile picture elevated above all the others. Unfortunately, all too many within our ranks choose the 'Easy Button' (37 comments)
plagiarism: What is Plagiarism and Why You Should Avoid it Like the Plague!
- 06/27/11 11:52 AM
Plagiarism is a topic that comes up repeatedly here on ActiveRain, and rightly so. With so many new members unfamiliar with proper Netiquette and acceptable publishing practices, it's a good thing to rehash such things regularly. Just recently, a self-proclaimed 'social media manager' wrote an article that was posted on a popular business social network, BizNik. The article initially was well-received, garnering numerous positive comments. Unfortunately, it was later determined that this article had been swiped (copied & pasted) almost verbatim from another member's blog. The site management decided to keep the article live as an example of what NOT to (35 comments)
plagiarism: A Week in the Rain: "I Love/Hate this Job!"
- 08/01/08 04:38 PM
It was a long and rather challenging week in the Rain. We've been spending a lot of time and energy focused on the release of Localism and the corresponding Land Rush. That and fielding more questions from our members than you can shake a stick at. Whew! I am sooo ready for the weekend! The Washington State Land Rush was interesting. We all sat on the edge of our seats with baited anticipation as the Localism read-out was winding down. When the Noon hour arrived, I made the mad dash to the Sponsoring section (Bob Stewart has provided a really helpful (39 comments)
plagiarism: "Plagiarism for Dummies" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited
- 04/24/08 06:59 AM
Well, it's time once again for this weeks edition of "ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited" where we're going through each of the guidelines, one by one, and expanding on their meaning. This weeks guideline is perhaps one of the most important, and often, the one most violated: Respect copyrights. Only upload content/images that you have the right to use (what you have paid for or own), and whose copyright rules allow for commercial use. And another one that is similar: Do not plagiarize (copy and paste) content from another source, and publish it as your own. You must obtain expressed permission from the original (116 comments)
plagiarism: "How to Kreate Kwality Kontent" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips
- 01/05/08 02:55 PM
Okay, so here goes my broken record impression again.... For those of you who've heard this tune before, and actually GET IT, you have my permission to move on to the next post. I've covered this ground numerous times before. Here's a quick trip down memory lane: "Is Your Blog a Toxic Waste Dump?" "How to Sabotage Your Own Blog!" "Counterfeit Blogging" "Original Content" - Using Your Own Voice in the Rain " Kopy Killers" - Plagiarizers on the Platform In our on-going efforts towards improving overall posting quality, one of the reoccurring problems we encounter here in the Rain are members posting 'Cut & Paste' content (33 comments)
plagiarism: "When is Your Blog like a Toxic Waste Dump?" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips
- 10/29/07 05:43 AM
Forget about Al Gore and all the alarming hype about Global Warming! The real danger is a growing epidemic right here on the ActiveRain Network. More and more of our members are turning their blogs into a Toxic Waste Dump! Rumor has it that ActiveRain will soon make the EPA's Worst Superfund Site List! What are these deadly pollutants, you ask? Well, instead of posting valuable relevant original content for consumers, many ActiveRain members are posting plagiarized (stolen cut & paste) articles to their posts. Rather than generating content that attracts and engages potential clients in meaningful dialogue, Rainers are posting blatant and obsessive (52 comments)
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