activerain community guidelines: 'Broken Records = Boring Content' - ActiveRain Community Guidelines - 06/10/11 06:12 PM
Back in January of 2008, I began a series of articles here on ActiveRain that served to expand and explain the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. It's one of those things, along with the ActiveRain Terms of Service, that is required reading for new members which they agree to adhere to when signing up for their account. Unfortunately, all to many times, people are rather anxious and eager to get started (can't say that I blame them!), and they tend to skip/skim over these required resources.
Now granted, I'll agree that the Terms of Service is a tad bit dry and doesn't make for very exciting … (42 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Respect and Civility in the Blogosphere" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips - 01/03/09 11:58 AM
Our community here on ActiveRain is most fortunate. The founders have created a platform that provides a relatively safe and encouraging environment for fellow real estate professionals to interact with one another. We can come here to get our blogging feet wet, as it were, and have literally hundreds of helpful members cheering us on! Each time that we log on to ActiveRain, the flood gates of FREE relevant expert advice and knowledge are opened up, allowing us to fill our minds with helpful information. 
Since becoming immersed in the social networking fray over the past several years, I've enjoyed a … (48 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Taking Advantage of a Good Thing" - AR Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 10/07/08 01:54 AM

This post is the last in a series of 15 articles I started back in January designed to provide a better understanding of the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. With so many new real estate professionals joining our numbers, it's a good idea to review these guidelines regularly, and to ensure that there is a firm grasp on what the expectations are for members who participate in this valuable community.
Please know that your participation on ActiveRain isn't about a list of 'Do's and Don'ts.' So much of what is offered here is meant to empower you, and enable you to enjoy … (83 comments)

activerain community guidelines: ActiveRain Community Guidelines - 09/10/08 08:30 AM
Consider me late to the party. I figured I would finally try out this RE-Blog feature, and what better article to select than one that is very near and dear to my heart, the ActiveRain Community Guideline!
The following are the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. For an expanded explanation/definition of each point, simply click on the highlighted links.
Respect the Real Estate Industry 
ActiveRain is a place where real estate professionals can network with their peers and discuss industry insider topics. It is also a public forum where consumers can pull back the curtain and see what the real estate … (23 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Predator vs. REALTOR®" - Community Guidelines ReVisited - 08/29/08 08:32 PM
This post is the latest in a series of articles aimed at re-hashing the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. With so many new real estate professionals joining the fold, it's a good idea to review these guidelines regularly, and to ensure that there is a clear understanding on what the expectations are for members who participate in this great network.
The next guideline is pretty straight forward, and reads as follows:
"There is zero tolerance for predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, invading privacy, or the revealing of other members' personal information. Anyone caught doing these things may be permanently banned from ActiveRain."
Here … (58 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Free Speech has a Cost" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 08/13/08 09:31 AM
It's been a while since our last installment, so just to recoup:
We've been reviewing and dissecting, in order, each of the AcitveRain Community Guidelines at length to ensure that we're all on the same page, and are fully aware of the expressed expectations for members who participate in our valued community.
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Our next guideline reads as follows:
"We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech which contains slurs or the malicious use of stereotypes intended … (55 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "So, What's the Point?" The Genius and Curse of the ActiveRain Points System - 06/29/08 07:58 PM
It's time once again to play our game, "Name That Guideline!" And I'm your Host, ActiveRain Community Builder Rich Jacobson!...
We've been re-acquainting ourselves with the ActiveRain Community Guidelines and dissecting each one in sequential order. This week, we come to the following guideline:
The point system is intended to recognize the top professionals in our industry. Do not try to game the system. Points for blogging will only be awarded for majority original content. Since the very beginning of our Network, the point system has been the source of constant debate and criticism. Take a stroll with me down AR Memory … (141 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words? How About a Thousand Dollars?" Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 06/04/08 07:40 PM
It's time once again for another installment of "Guess That Guideline!" and I'm your host, Community Builder and Moving Target, Rich Jacobson.

We've been re-hashing the ActiveRain Community Guidelines, and dissecting them at length. So many times, when we join social networks or online forums, we're required to review the Terms of Service (TOS) or Guidelines. But seriously, how many people take the time to actually READ them? Not many, I'm sure. That's why we're doing this review - so we're all on the same page and know exactly what's expected of us as members of the ActiveRain Community.
As you familiarize … (86 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Plagiarism for Dummies" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 04/24/08 06:59 AM
Well, it's time once again for this weeks edition of "ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited" where we're going through each of the guidelines, one by one, and expanding on their meaning.
This weeks guideline is perhaps one of the most important, and often, the one most violated:
Respect copyrights. Only upload content/images that you have the right to use (what you have paid for or own), and whose copyright rules allow for commercial use.
And another one that is similar:
Do not plagiarize (copy and paste) content from another source, and publish it as your own. You must obtain expressed permission from the original … (116 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "Staying Out of Jail" - ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 03/28/08 02:57 AM
Okay, so pour yourself a strong cup of Java, pull up your iTunes, and enjoy the next installment of the ActiveRain Community Guidelines 'EXPANDED' version!
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This next guideline must've been inserted by our corporate lawyers. It sounds too much like one of those 'fine print' disclaimers...
Do not violate any laws of your local jurisdiction. This includes all Fair Housing related laws.Seems pretty straight-forward and obvious, right? One would think so. But ya know, as I observe our members conversing with one another, whether through their … (23 comments)

activerain community guidelines: Public Opinion: "Are you an Asset or a Liability?" - Community Guidelines Re-Visited - 03/18/08 06:15 PM
A Harris Interactive poll revealed that out of 11 of the most popular consumer-oriented service professions, real estate agents were one whose advice was least trusted, 2nd to last place, just above Stock Brokers.
Obviously, as an industry, we have a credibility issue. Or a perception problem. Or both.
In some recent blog articles here in the Rain, there's been an excellent dialogue concerning our collective value proposition and how we can best articulate/justify our worth to those we serve. You might want to hop over and catch the Bolen Brothers in action. It's really great stuff!
In our continuing series on gaining a better handle on the ActiveRain Community Guidelines, we're going to … (54 comments)

activerain community guidelines: What are the ActiveRain Community Guidelines? - 03/15/08 06:42 PM
The ActiveRain Community Guidelines are as follows:
The following are the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. For an expanded explanation/definition of each point, simply click on the highlighted links.
Respect the Real Estate Industry 
ActiveRain is a place where real estate professionals can network with their peers and discuss industry insider topics. It is also a public forum where consumers can pull back the curtain and see what the real estate industry is really about. 
Because of this level of transparency and openness, ActiveRain members must remain zealous in their quest to represent our industry in as true and professional of a … (18 comments)

activerain community guidelines: "A Matter of Trust" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines Revisited - 02/02/08 06:34 PM
(For Your listening pleasure while you read,... Billy Joel's "A Matter of Trust")
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When you joined ActiveRain, do you remember clicking on a little box where you agreed to abide by the Community Guidelines?
(Are you kidding? No one ever actually READS that stuff, do they?)
This is a continuation in a series of articles that will walk us through the ActiveRain Community Guidelines, and help us to have a better grasp on how to live them out in a practical sense.

activerain community guidelines: "Respect in the Rain" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines - 01/10/08 04:42 PM
I thought it would be a good idea to do a series of articles that walk us through the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. I've encountered a number of members, both new and old, who were unaware that such guidelines even existed.
Earlier today, as I was driving around running some errands, I was thinking about this post, and how I wanted to effectively communicate with our members. Then, suddenly, I thought of that scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" where Ben Stein is taking class attendance. "Bueller? Bueller?"....remember that scene? Trying to cover such material can tend to be rather daunting. I don't want what I write here to … (117 comments)

Rich Jacobson, Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker (Fathom Realty West Sound)

Rich Jacobson

Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker

Poulsbo, WA

More about me…

Fathom Realty West Sound

Address: P. O. Box 2714, Poulsbo, WA, 98370

Mobile: 360-440-4758

Providing Knowledgeable Empowerment and Relentless Representation of Real Estate Clients throughtout the Western Puget Sound, including all of Kitsap County WA, and portions of Mason, Pierce, and Jefferson Counties.

"Helping You to Successfully Achieve Your Next Adventure in Life!"
"Effecting Positive Change in the World - One Client and One Property, at a Time!"
Rich Jacobson

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