Well, the inevitable has happened. For a year I was the number one in Monroe County. Now an agent in the upper Keys is giving me a run for my money. I think it is great... Nothing helps you stay on top of your game like having someone nipping at your heals.The Keys are a great place to be an
Things are looking up around here. Our summer season is in full swing now with the 4th just around the corner.I have lived in a number of area in this country and I must say that when it comes to 4th of July fireworks, the ones in Marathon are a 'must see'. I've been in Boston and heard the "Po
Here we be in the American Caribbean, commonly called the Florida Keys... Hooked to the mainland by a thread of asphalt. Should a storm decide it would be 'cool' to come and visit, we can leave early and traffic jamb our way to the mainland, only to have the storm follow us up there, or we can
Okay, so it is just now the 30th of April, but in another day must head for N.J. for the kids' college graduation. So you get to hear from me a little early. Came across this picture and thought it was hitting the mark as far as our market goes... . No reason to beat around the bush here. We
I have just made a move to another realty company. Still in the same town, but felt that this new location is just a better fit. We offer great service and now at my new home we also offer a rental program and are bringing on-line a homeowners service package.Our market is getting HOTTER and HO
Let me tell you, Be VERY VERY careful if your rent property. I don't know what it is like in other states but here in FL the tenant owns you. (landlord)A scary bedtime story:I rented a condo to a man that works directly for the U S Coast Guard and his job is to handle rentals for government per
YOU WANT WHAT FOR YOUR HOME? I think that you could call our market SOFT right now. We are in the middle of our season and not alot is happening. Agents are falling out in droves. Could be a good thing. Many of the sellers STILL think this is 2004 when values where going up 30 plus percent
So here it is, your view from the balcony of a great 2 bed 2 bath condo in the 'heart' of the Florida Keys. I have this one priced at $739,000 and five others priced even less. We are beginning to get showings but yet again no good offers. Our prices have come down from ridiculous to just absu
Welcome to 2007. I made it back from Jersey in one piece. 24 hours up and it took 25 hours driving to get back. Not a lick of snow, just rain and gloomy. Kinda like I remember the Northeast...We are sitting on about 540 active residential listings in the Middle Keys. Prices run from a low of
Shortly we will be hit by all the elves (mainlanders) in a rush from the North to get out of the Cold... But I won't be here to see it, at least for a few days... What are we doing, yup, headed North... Look out New Jersey, here comes someone that has not driven on snow and ice in many many year