I have lived in Plano, Texas for the last 15 years and have been in the North Texas area for most of the last 30 years. I was working in the yard yesterday afternoon with Toots - my half pointer, half pit bull, all play, 4-legged daughter. She loves working in the yard with me, but it often creat...
Many companies renew their leases without engaging a professional tenant rep. Their logic is usually something like, "I know my landlord and trust him. We have been in the building for years so I don't see any reason to get a tenant rep involved and potentially get in the way of that good relatio...
I have been in the commercial real estate business for 27 years so I have seen a few cycles. One thing is certain, whatever things look like today, they will look totally different in a little while. So while landlords have been suffering in this economy, it has been great for tenants who are enj...
“I won't sign an exclusive representation agreement. I want to keep my options open.” This is a common comment from prospects who are fearful that an exclusive agreement will restrict them. Behind this comment is also the assumption that an exclusive agreement is only there for the tenant rep bro...
You wouldn't go to court without an attorney, but you are likely to end up in court a lot faster if you don't engage an attorney when drafting legal documents. More importantly, if you don't use an attorney when negotiating the lease language, your lease will be one-sided and heavily weighted to...
Okay, so you found a building you really like and you have negotiated what you think is a pretty good deal....or your tenant representative has done that for you. So now you are ready to charge forward with the lease itself so you can get the construction done and move in. Right? Wrong. You shou...
If you are sued and you hire an attorney to represent you, who does the talking in the courtroom? Would it make sense for you to call the plaintiff's attorney or even the plaintiff directly to discuss the case? The answer is obviously no. It’s the same in any negotiation in which an agent or in...
As you can probably guess, this is my favorite tip. So while I have this as tip #7, it actually is the first thing taht you should do before you do anything else. Don't contact any landlord, not even your current landlord, before selecting and engaging a tenant rep. The rental rates landlords qu...
Using a proposal comparison spreadsheet has many benefits, but the most important one is that it helps to keep you focused on what really matters. When you get deep into the search for the right property and are negotiating with several landlords at the same time, it's pretty easy to overlook de...
Scarcity is the basic economic problem that arises when someone has unlimited wants but limited resources. And guess what? Tenants are the resource that landlords want the most. I don't care if you are in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, Richardson or Tokyo. Landlords are the same. Tenants create value in...