Real Estate in Central NJ-Union, Morris and Somerset Counties

Real Estate Agent - RE/MAX Premier
Find Out What's Happening in Central NJ Suburbs Real Estate Market Sales. Including Berkeley Heights, Long Hill Warren, New Providence and Surrounding Areas. Town Information, Statistics and Events. Your REMAX Premier Neighborhood Specialist Maria Lourdes Couto, Realtor at Remax Premier Will Keep You Informed! As your Realtor-salesperson I will inform you about Berkeley Heights Homes for Sale, Long Homes for Sale and Beyond. I will guide you as a Seller the best way to market and sell you property on our present day real estate market. As a Buyer I will advise you on present home values that will best meet your real estate needs.
Long Hill Public Open HousesSunday May 5th, 2011-  Come see what all that Long Hill has to offer. Stop by some of the “open houses” for Sale in Millington, Stirling and Gillette.If you can’t make it this Sunday, call me directly at 908-400-1801 for a personal tour of homes and this lovely town.  ...
Watchung NJ Homes for Sale in Somerset County The average sales price for single family homes in Watchung, NJ  from May 1st, 2011 to May 31st, 2011 was $585,417K .Current inventory (including townhouses), is above normal for this time of year with 64 properties for sale ranging from $359,000K to ...
LinksVirtual Tour~Ranch for Sale on 385 Passaic Ave in Stirling~Long HillWebsite for Central NJ Suburban Real EstateMaria Lourdes Coutos WebsiteSOCIAL MEDIA LINKSMaria Lourdes Couto, ABR,CRS,SRES Photo GalleryThe Perfect Home!Formal Living RoomEat-In-KitchenNew Stain.Steel. Appliences1 of 3/4 Bed...
LongHill Home Sales in May 2011 The average sales price for single family homes in Long Hill Homes from May 1st, 2011 to May 31st, 2011 was $317,125K. There are currently 21 pending sales a good sign for the recovery of Long Hill Real Estate. Current inventory (including townhouses), is higher c...
Berkeley Heights Home Sales Doing Well in May 2011 The average sales price for single family homes in Berkeley Heights from May 1st, 2011 to May 31st, 2011 was $718K, with several properties having multiple bids. A good sign for the real estate market in Berkeley Heights. There are currently 35 p...
Let Me Show You What I Can Do To Help You Sell or Rent Your Home in Berkeley Heights and Beyond. If you are interested in discussing our local housing market, would like to know how much your home is worth in today’s market, or if you or someone you know is considering a move in the coming months...
Let Me Show You What I Can Do To Help You Sell or Rent Your Home in Berkeley Heights and Beyond. If you are interested in discussing our local housing market, would like to know how much your home is worth in today’s market, or if you or someone you know is considering a move in the coming month...
  Let Me Show You What I Can Do To Help You Sell Your Home in Berkeley Heights and Beyond.   If you are interested in discussing our local housing market, would like to know how much your home is worth in today’s market, or if you or someone you know is considering a move in the coming months, p...
LinksVirtual Tour~Ranch for Sale on 385 Passaic Ave in Stirling~Long HillWebsite for Central NJ Suburban Real EstateMaria Lourdes Coutos WebsiteSOCIAL MEDIA LINKSMaria Lourdes Couto, ABR,CRS,SRES Photo GalleryPerfect Outside and InsideFormal Living RoomEat-In-KitchenNew Stain.Steel. Appliences1 o...
  Berkeley Heights, NJ Real Estate Statistics Area Market Analysis Report by Bedrooms See How the Home Values of Berkeley Heights, NJ  Have Done in the Last 6 Months 11/01/2010 to 04/30/2011   Berkeley Heights Homes for Sale     If you are interested in discussing our local housing market, would ...

Maria Couto

Realtor with "Results That "MOVE" You'
local_phone(908) 754-1500
smartphone(908) 400-1801
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