I enjoy being here on Active Rain, and feel very welcome, even though I am not a Real Estate professional. It's fun and satisfying for me, learning and reading how Real Estate work is handled by AR members. This does act as fuel for me, to create and share my little knowledge of technology on th...
A quick search will show that I'm not the first to post about this cool yet fast growing technology. But as I do have an accent ;) this tool could give me complete "voice over" confidence for doing things such as:Introducing myself to visitors on my websiteDirecting their attention to a tutoria...
I had done a previous post on House Flipping Software, which had good visual feedback... More along the lines of what a "simulator" would be for Real Estate Agents or investors.I came across this on RisMedia, so I'm posting it here.It looks like a nicely structured application that does not have ...
This is a little gem! The thought came to me, from some of the nightclub events we did a while back ( Real Vision Consultancy - provides technology to real estate and the entertainment markets)I had done an event for Bacardi, using bluetooth at the club.. ( everything ran well before the club fil...
This happened to me the other day...I was to meet a client, did a complete checklist of laptop, cell phone, backup memory stick etc.. but forgot to carry my business cards!On the way to the meeting I made a mental note to look for an acceptable portable printer should an emergency like this arise...
If you have your office on a High Street, or in a public access place, with lots of glass or window frontage, this cool technology will actually make your office window "work for you" as a 24 hr Agent's assistant.Not only does it look cool, but it also does add value to your business.Anyone who c...
I was recently working on a project for a client that is non real estate related, where a quick 30 second video had to be created followed by still photographs of various guests at a nightclub, who had their photograph taken on the spot, with a digital camera. The guest then typed in a slogan on ...
I wanted to write a post on this from another angle, but as it so happens I just returned from a lovely mid afteroon wine and dine session in perfect 74 degree (f) weather at The madinat jumeirah, a man made 5+ star resort with waterways that rival venice (imho).And would'nt you know it... overh...
Im posting this short article here first, before it hits my blog for agents over in Dubai, as i feel that it definitely fits in more into this side of the world's market. ( Dubai still has virgin houses, and has probably not yet entered the Fix it 'n flip it stage )What i like about this 'game' ...
You've got the images from your Digital camera into your PC, but a common problem faced by many real estate agents and home sellers, when listing their property online, is that after they fill in a lengthy form and proceed to upload a picture or two, there's that error, saying "file size too bi...