Rapid City and Black Hills homes for sale by Tristan Emond

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Real Estate Agent - Mindful Living Realty
Rapid City and Black Hills Home Selling Specialist
TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARDSELLER VIDEO SERIES #6.1 - #6.4 Get it Listed!   It's time to Get it Listed!You have spent time cleaning, packing, decluttering, painting, fixing and cleaning some more.  Now let's get your home ready for showings! In this week's release of Tristan and his WHITEBOARD, we...
NEW THIS WEEK!TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD SELLER VIDEO SERIES Prepare Your Home For Sale #3 and #4:First Impressions and Smells  Watch the intro video above for my awesome drawing about what your yard should NOT look like! You have seconds for a buyer to make an impression on your home when they f...
TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD WEEKLY RELEASE!SELLER'S VIDEO SERIESEPISODES #3.1, #3.2 AND #4:  Your Home's Value    One of the first questions asked when thinking about putting your home up for sale: What is my home worth? In this week's release of Tristan and his WHITEBOARD, we talk about your home...
TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARDSELLER’S SERIES #1 IT IS TIME.  BUT FIRST, YOU MUSTPREPARE. YOUR. SELF. Are you ready to sell your Rapid City home??  What is the first step??  Probably for me to take my shades off....Make sure you are ready…I mean mentally.  People going through your home, keeping it s...
 Tristan and his WHITEBOARDTHE COMPLETE BUYER'S VIDEO SERIES LIBRARY  DONE!  (well - for now....I'm sure I'll find more material to add as time goes on!) Tristan and his WHITEBOARD Complete Buyer's Video Series Library is now posted! Now you can start where you want to, stop where you need to, an...
NEW THIS WEEK!  TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARDTHE FINAL 2 STEPS OF THE BUYER'S HOME BUYING JOURNEY: WALK THROUGH AND CLOSING  The Key is ALMOST in your hands! The final 2 steps of the home buying process await - the final walk through and the closing. Certainly happy times! Find out what to expect an...
JUST RELEASED!TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD EPISODES 13.1 AND 13.2  Title Insurance and Home Survey OK!  Believe it or not...there is light at the end of the tunnel.  We are almost closed!But there are a few key components we need to understand before we get to the final walk through and closing. So...
JUST RELEASED!TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD BUYER’S VIDEO SERIES –EPISODES 11 AND 12  Time for the Lender to do their Thing! Your Home is under contract!  The home inspection and home insurance process has begun. What does the Lender do in all of this? Find out what to expect from your Lender in thi...
THIS WEEK'S RELEASE -TRISTAN AND HIS WHITEBOARD EPISODES 10.1 AND 10.2: Home Insurance on the Home you Just Bought!  This week, Tristan and his WHITEBOARD go into the Home Insurance stage of the home buying process.  We've got the home inspection in progress - you also need to get on the phone wi...
2016 RAPID CITY REAL ESTATE MARKET REPORT We took WHITEBOARD out for a spin at market reports.  He did a good job!Check out how Rapid City Real Estate - the facts, the numbers, the boring stats....and then we tell you how things are looking as we get into 2017! Biggest thing I noticed so far is l...

Tristan Emond

Rapid City Homes Sales Specialist
local_phone(605) 593-9367
smartphone(605) 391-7086
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Using real estate technology to the best of my ability to help clients buy and sell homes and commercial properties. Friendly, hard working costumer service at its best!