Listing WITHDRAWN Yesterday Jan Marie MacMillian posed the question "How Effective is Traditional Marketing?" The general consensus was that Traditional Marketing for the average home is truly a thing of the past. I listed the best home in my area (IMHO) last August. We did the traditional thin...
Yes, it has been passed by the House, Senate, and just signed by the President. The NAR backed it and many Realtors favor it....I do not. The housing tax credit reminds me of the rebates that car dealers used to sell cars. Look what that did for Detroit. When a market is in a slump that is ok. Le...
I checked into AR today and read Darrin Freidmans post about a deskless office. I had a similar idea back in January and our build out is almost complete. We should be totally done by end of October. I must say it was quite a challenge to fit everything into less the 1,800 square feet. My vision ...
I see it time and again. The day of closing or 24 hours prior to there is a glitch. Why wait until a day or less before closing to do your work??? People with truck loads of furniture, children in tow and even the family pet with no where to go. It is disgraceful how the system treats people as n...
I just finished sending my agents their morning Eyejot video email. I send this out Monday through Friday so my agents know where I am and what I have on my schedule for the day. I just Love Technology! As with Active Rain, we Real Estate professionals have to continually update ourselves with th...
Today's Real Estate market certainly is challenging for the Seller, Buyer and Real Estate agent. The lenders seem to be a major bottleneck in my local area. We had four closing scheduled for my office yesterday and only two closed. Why did two or 50% fail to close. Mortgage Brokers!!!!!!!! They d...
SOLD Impeccable Waterview Home Overlooking The Sassafras River $425,000. This impeccable 3 bedroom Water View ranch, with its commanding view, lovingly cared for interior and its extensive use of glass, stands well above its peers. This home is a rare opportunity to experience li...