Ted Hinderer's (quality) Blog

Home Inspector - Quality Home Inspections LLC
Unfortunately, Delaware is in the EPA's Radon Zone. Not many people, including most Real Estate Professionals, are aware of this issue. Radon gas is a toxic gas that seeps into homes through the foundations. And it doesn't matter if your home is built on a basement, crawlspace or a slab, this dea...
First, consider donating the paint for reuse. Some organizations will accept paint that's in good condition (defined as uncontaminated paint still with a smooth consistency). The paint must be donated in a labeled container. You can check for donation options locally by clicking on "Paint donatio...
I have posted a blog at askthedehomeinspector.com With this blog I post several issues and update often. Alot of helpful information 
Most of the time when we do Inspections we always find an A/C outdoor unit that is out of Level. The biggest problem this can cause is premature failure of the compressor. The compressor is what pumps the refrigerant thru the unit and gives you cool air. Also being out of level can cause stress o...

Ted Hinderer

local_phone(302) 893-1364
smartphone(302) 893-1364
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