
First Day At School - My Kindergarten Story I am not sure if we had Kindergarten at that times or not. Perhaps there were. For me, I was not that fortunate, I guess.I was in India then. Few years after Independece of India, the stress was on learning our mother-tongue. Only rich people would go t...
This will be one of a kind event. 35 locations for ActiveMeetUp! Wow! As mentioned, When you fet a room full of AR members, magic happens! Just in case you have missed this post - here's a re-blog. Make sure you attend at the location near you. Ladies, have you been waiting for a special occasion...
I was wondering why my listing which is priced below market value - almost neck-to-neck with short sale is not selling at all despite 30+ showings! Now I know why! Here's a re-blog on reality. Thanks, Louise.   Many experts are trying to put their finger on why buyers are not flocking to the grea...
There are some very interesting classes at ActiveRain University. One of them is tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug 30th) at 9 AM PST where Maya Paveza will talk about Twitter - and how your real estate business can benefit just by tweets! Register using the link in this re-blog from ActiveBob. We've had Cha...
I remember a simple advice that says, use always CASH. True? I don't think so. If you can use your credit card to your advantage, why not? Though remember the Golden Rule - always pay the balance in time. Here's a re-blog from Nevin. We've been taught that cash is best and to avoid credit.  This ...
And here's a re-blog from Jon. I'd say once again, hurricanes, earthquakes, tropical storms and all other natural disasters never bring a good news. We just thank God - we were spared or had less impact of Irene in Massachusetts.J. Philip Faranda posted Was Irene Over-hyped by the NY Politicians ...
Hurricanes or tropical storms. They are never going to bring in good news. NEVER. What do politicians make out of this? Here is a re-blog from Philip - post#1. (as I plan to re-blog Jon's post.) If you are in Westchester County reading this, then you survived Hurricane Tropical Storm Irene. We ar...
READING REAL ESTATE - FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2011 Here is what is happening in Real Estate Market of READING, MA for the month of JULY 2011. Please note that this statistics is for SINGLE FAMILY HOMES only. (SOURCE: MLSPIN)   JULY 2010 JULY 2011 Trends Number of Homes Sold 19 15 Median Sale Price...
BURLINGTON REAL ESTATE - FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2011 Here is what is happening in Real Estate Market of BURLINGTON, MA for the month of JULY 2011. Please note that this statistics is for SINGLE FAMILY HOMES only. (SOURCE: MLSPIN)   JULY 2010 JULY 2011 Trends Number of Homes Sold 22 11 Median Sale...
WOBURN REAL ESTATE - FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 2011 Here is what is happening in Real Estate Market of WOBURN, MA for the month of JULY 2011. Please note that this statistics is for SINGLE FAMILY HOMES only. (SOURCE: MLSPIN)   JULY 2010 JULY 2011 Trends Number of Homes Sold 15 29 Median Sale Price $...

Praful Thakkar

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