"With a Show of Hands, How Many of You are Having an Affair?" I have used this line when giving presentations to prospective clients. It usually gets a few nervous chuckles; however on one occasion, a gal just about fell off her chair! I go on to explain that I am not trying to get personal an...
If you are located in northeast Florida, Southern Georgia OR you just happen to be in the Jacksonville, FL area on Monday, June 25th, please consider stopping by the WCR EXPO scheduled to be held at the University of North Florida that afternoon.Event Details: Jacksonville, FL WCR EXPO WHERE:...
School's almost out, graduation ceremonies abound and we are heading into the official "kick off" of summer vacation season. My family has enjoyed living and visiting a number of interesting places over the years and here are a few of my favorite vacation spots:St. Augustine, Florida ~ since I...
WOW! We were blessed with a gorgeous day here in northeast Florida today. Sun shining, temps in the low 80's, low humidity and no smoke in our neighborhood. Of course we could use some rain in this "neck of the woods," and I think there may be some in the forecast tomorrow. But, it's days like t...
In today's busy world, we have grown accustomed to unanswered phones and emails, people not showing up or arriving late without apology, etc. Good business manners and the customer service bar have been placed on the "lowest limbo notch." At my previous employer, we called this behavior "The D...
Greetings Everyone, I am a "newbie" to the ActiveRain network; however, I have been visiting the site for a couple of weeks. What has impressed me the most about the participants on this site is the enthusiasm of ActiveRain members and the philosophy of "people helping people" put into action. ...