Even though my children are grown and on their own, I have grandchildren in elementary school and we are very fortunate to live in a community that boasts a great school system. Parents and all members of the community are encouraged to play an active role in the county schools and it has paid of...
I recently attended a stage production of Mamma Mia and ever since, I have had ABBA songs buzzing on my brain! What a great show; the music had everyone up on their feet dancing in the aisles and humming the tunes as we filed out of the theater. Wouldn't it be great if we could all go through l...
Today is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day and a great time to reflect on what each of us can do to show Mother Earth a little love , not just today but every day. I became much more environmentally conscious while living in Santa Barbara, Ca. Having grown up in Ohio and living most of my life ...
Building customer loyalty should be an every day, year-round thing, not just something you do for one month out of the year. However, take this month of April, to think how you can improve relationships with your customers through better service, higher quality products, going the extra mile, ...
I just returned from my morning walk and needed to share the beauty of the day. After a rather unusally cold Florida winter, these spring days are so appreciated. Warm sunny days, cool nights, azaelas in full bloom, golfers on the green, gators and turtles sunning themselves on the banks of the...
O On May 12 the Postal Service will adjust prices for its services. Postage for First-Class letters will increase by 1- cent to 42¢. Through the end of this week, you can still purchase the Forever Stamp @ 41¢ Forever stamps will always be valid, regardless of the price you paid for them or...
I am sure there are some of you who learned the song, "This Little Light of Mine" . . .when you were wee little. It was and still is a favorite with the little munchkins that love singing their hearts out, especially if it involves hand motions! Many of us, who fervently sang that song growin...
Recently : Ed Rybczynski - Mortgage Fraud Speaker & Expert , posted a message, Chance Meetings , where he discusses how our paths cross with so many people in day to day activities and how forces seem to work in mysterious ways. As another example of these "forces at work" , I invited a new cont...
OVER 300 Tickets Sold - Just a Few Left - CAll for yours TODAY! Looking for a Good Time?Come to the Jacksonville, FLWCR Fashion ShowFriday, September 7, 200711:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Marriott Sawgrass Ponte Vedra Beach Resort & Spa1000 PGA Tour Blvd., Ponte Vedra Beach, FLPlated Lunch ~ $40.00 ~ T...
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MONEY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MONEY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MONEY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I am a long time home owner and have bought a number of properties over the years (in both up and down markets). Reflecting on the past weeks of craziness in the stock market, the mortga...