This blog post is to give you an example of why you need to create a super clear definition of your best prospective clients and referrers and then place your marketing text where these people look. Yellow pages, internet, clients' accountants, whatever. I am very good at marketing. But I would ...
When people call and want services that I cannot provide, I always try to help them if I can. Examples *Someone wants me to notarize a copy of their birth certificate. I explain that notarized are not permitted to do that. Then I give them tips on how to get another birth certificate from the ...
Hi, All I opened my ActiveRain account this morning to find spam about a service to help me with blogging. I imagine most -if not all of you - received the same message. I have done over 300 hours of research on internet marketing. I have tried blogs to see how it impacts getting on the first p...
I found a great website that gives you the true cost to own and operate your car. It is published by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission in California. Note that they come up with a base of $1.19 per mile to own and operate your car. ...
When I use the notarial certificates I create and print myself, all my required information is preprinted on the forms. But when I notarize a document that has its own notarial certificate wording, I use a rubber stamp I had made. My stamp states the following info - most of the text is required...
Want to provide notary services for the general public? Want to see examples of the forms you will be working with? Here are some common forms needing notarizations and several resources for viewing examples. DOCUMENTS I FREQUENTLY NOTARIZE FOR THE GENERAL PUBLICPower of Attorney (for general ...
Hi, All Save 15%-35% off online orders at Staples simply by joining (free) Best of Washington - a new non-profit online statewide chamber of commerce style association for small business owners in WA. Become a member for free, post your business profile (also free), and then cli...
Some examples of where I distribute my business cards to get non-loan work. I keep a dozen business cards on me at all times. You never know who you will encounter. I received a call from an accountant's office yesterday. The secretary asked if I would send her a stack of business...
I notarized a Will/POA/Living Will package for a couple yesterday. I love these because witnesses mean lots of signatures to notarize and 4 people I must administer oaths to. ($160 cash on the spot and they came to me)I always ask new clients how they found me. They used a way no one had said ...
Michelle Riley of Huntsville Mobile Notary in Alabama is a member of our group but rarely has time to post. She is a mobile notary, notary signing agent, RN, and a student studying for yet another college degree - this time in Communication. She is top professional and a gracious woman.Michelle...