Pete Sabine's (petesabine) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Compass - 00889760
Monthly posting of five key real estate market trend indicators to assist with tracking the best time to buy or sell Contra Costa County real estate. These five indicators include existing home sales, new home building permits, notice of default filings, # of real estate owned (RE0) sales & current mortgage interest rates. This data is for the entire east, west and central county.



I have posted the monthly MLS Statistics for San Ramon, California real estate (attached and detached properties). Easy to read charts and graphs to provide you with accurate up-to-the-minute information for the local Contra Costa County real estate market.To learn how to interpret this informati...
There are several high-cost real estate markets throughout the country with challenging conditions to provide affordable loans above the current conforming loan limit of $417,000. NAR issued a Call-for-Action today asking REALTORS(r) to contact their U.S. Senators to urge them to include an incre...
I have posted the monthly MLS Statistics for Pleasant Hill, California real estate (attached and detached properties). Easy to read charts and graphs to provide you with accurate up-to-the-minute information for the local Contra Costa County real estate market.To learn how to interpret this infor...
Here are some tips I learned from a seasoned California mortgage banker who successfully funded over 100 loans during the tough transitional 2007 real estate market. These tales from the trenches can prevent your deal from the shrapnel of a loan decline or last minute tighter "prior to document o...
I have posted the monthly MLS Statistics for Orinda, California real estate (attached and detached properties). Easy to read charts and graphs to provide you with accurate up-to-the-minute information for the local Contra Costa County real estate market.To learn how to interpret this information ...
In today's challenging and uncertain lending environment, qualifying standards for home loans and refinancing are becoming increasingly more stringent. Many potential borrowers who were "pre-approved" under yesterday's loan underwriting guidelines may discover that their loan program qualifying s...
The Veteran's Administration has modernized the current VA loan programs available to qualified veteran borrowers. These loans are very competitive and can offer an affordable financing alternative to prospective home buyers and people who want to refinance their existing mortgage. Additionally, ...
I have posted the monthly MLS Statistics for Moraga, California real estate (attached and detached properties). Easy to read charts and graphs to provide you with accurate up-to-the-minute information for the local Contra Costa County real estate market.To learn how to interpret this information ...
 The current credit crunch in the financial and real estate markets have significantly eliminated a vast pool of borrowers with a desire to purchase or refinance a home. This especially rings true in high cost markets like California and the San Francisco Bay Area.FHA loan programs offer great te...
I have posted the monthly MLS Statistics for Martinez, California real estate (attached and detached properties). Easy to read charts and graphs to provide you with accurate up-to-the-minute information for the local Contra Costa County real estate market.To learn how to interpret this informatio...

Pete Sabine

San Francisco Bay Area Real Estate
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Providing accurate information about local Contra Costa County real estate market conditions. Monthly updates with MLS statistcal data for Central Contra Costa County. The cities included in this data are Alamo, Danville, Concord, Clayton, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, Walnut Creek.

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