den Boer Homes

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Real Estate Agent - Atlanta Communities - 303302
I read this morning that inventory of homes targeted to first time home buyers has dropped by 25%. This usually means homes below $250,000 in this area. The article also stated that new home builders are offering discounts on price, upgrades, or paying closing costs in order to move their homes. ...
Well, in fact, despite the title of this post, I do personally own several hammers. Some very old from my father and grandfather, and some a bit newer from Home Depot. I don't really use them often, but when you need a hammer, there they are, just waiting for me.Recently the need arose for said t...
Blinking, strobing, colorful lights. Not out on the street or in some club somewhere. No, I like the colorful lights on electronic equipment. You know the ones. When you turn on the power to your TV you are greeted by a red or blue light, beckoning you in to the electronic bliss it offers.I was l...
To those who don't even look up at these inspiring aerial events, I say too bad. I also say to those pilots who fly to keep our country safe, come fly over my house anytime. You will always be welcomed by me sitting in a lawn chair in the front yard and waving! 
Yesterday I wrote about a Turkey. Today, a chicken. Don't get me wrong, I am not in a "Fowl" mood, just like talking about quirky things in the area. So, what's up with a big chicken? Not a big chicken, but THE big chicken.In a neighboring town, Marietta, Ga. there exists a landmark known by all....
Several years ago while driving down the main street of Woodstock, Ga. during the rush hour crush, motorists were treated to the sight of a full grown turkey walking up and down the sidewalk. Now, afternoon traffic through beautiful downtown Woodstock can be a bit slow, so there was plenty of tim...
As a marketing director for a busy agent here at the brokerage, I keep my nose to the grindstone, and other than occassional emails updating sellers, I try to stay out of the limelight. I can enjoy the spotlight with my own clients. So, it was simply wonderful when I received an email from a sell...
I confess I am a huge fan of "to do" lists. I started writing morning to do lists 15 years ago when I started in Real Estate. While I don't do these daily anymore, I do create a to do list when I feel there is much upon my plate to get done in a day. Don't want to forget to do something.Buyers an...
Ok, I am having a bit of a time seeing it, or anything else for that matter, closer than about 6 feet. You see, I broke my glasses yesterday. I am wearing some readers today for close work, like typing on the computer. I can see fine beyond 6 feet without glasses. Social distancing should be easi...
I used to love to watch the old TV series, The Twilight Zone. The guy with the cool, deep voice would introduce the show each week and I would be all ears. They had the weirdest ideas for episodes. I think I lived through one today.Although I don't remember hearing Rod Serling voicing my episode ...

Peter den Boer

MBA,GRI, Associate Broker, Realtor
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