den Boer Homes

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Real Estate Agent - Atlanta Communities - 303302
I have some clients I have been working with that cannot bring themselves to offer full price on a home. In normal times, remember those? Me neither...In normal times I am the first to tell clients I am allergic to full price offers. But these are not normal times.An agent in my office just had a...
I have a client that has been looking for just the right home for several months. We were armed with a lender pre-approval letter and all we needed was a home to buy. The stars aligned this past weekend and an offer we submitted was accepted. Yay us!The paperwork was all signed and sent off to th...
One of my favorite quotes used to be, I am allergic to full price offers. Not so much anymore. I have found that the current state off the Real Estate market demands I take some Claritin and set the old rule book aside. Don't throw it away as I am sure it will still be useful in the distant futur...
I showed homes this weekend to a long time client of mine. Great guy and wonderful family. We usually have him, his wife, and 3 kids when we view homes. This weekend was a bit different.At the first home, all was normal, just the 6 of us. As we were leaving, daughter, her husband and small child ...
Here's to everyone having a safe and fun holiday weekend! Happy 4th of July!
Yesterday I showed a home to some clients and this is what we encountered. This picture is of the master bath. It was so cluttered we could only peek in from the doorway. Unfortunately, the rest of the house was much the same. This home has been on the market for 5 days.In my professional opinion...
This is almost the very first thing a new home buyer gets asked by their agent when starting on the journey to a new home. Some buyers get defensive about this, but this process will need to be done to ensure that the homes we are looking at are within the financial reach of our client.Yesterday,...
My daughter recently purchased her first home. We had an inspection of the home and negotiated some issues. I like my home inspector. He is thorough and gets the job done. Then the lender sent in their appraiser. This is when things started going slightly sideways. The appraiser apparently decide...
Lots of people have found that the software, Zoom, allows them to communicate to family and friends, yet still stay a safe distance away during these Covid days. Zoomers can host lots of friends or business acquaintances all at one time. It's like throwing a big party where no one has to breathe ...
I was pondering this morning about what to write so I looked up local interest on the interwebs. The usual parks and shops showed up, but so did stories about interest rates. So my mind went back to the early 80's when I was purchasing my first home. A quaint 1200 square foot Cape Cod located in ...

Peter den Boer

MBA,GRI, Associate Broker, Realtor
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