Albuquerque Realtor & Green Builder Paul Chavez | ABQ Homes and Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - Earth Origins Realty
Conversations about Albuquerque, NM homes and real estate, sustainable development, green homes, and local ABQ news. Earth Origins Realty provides the best online user-friendly Albuquerque MLS home and property search tools at
These days when anytime a person hears the word "economy" it is never followed with a feel-good response.  Growth and economy are never heard in the same sentence (unless it is something like "the US (or global) economy is experiencing fast, negative, rock bottom declining growth."  So I was happ...
I just completed an on-line continuing ed class offered by Kaplan entitled Home Inspection and Environmental Basics.  It covered an array of topics from radon, lead concerns and disclosure, formaldehyde, mold, indoor air quality, sick building syndrome, red flags when inspecting a home, water lea...
For most people, it comes as a suprise to learn that a home's interior exposes us to 2-5 times more pollution than we are exoposed to outdoors.  Given that most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, and that many buildings are tightly sealed for energy efficiency, creating healthy indoor ...
There are many simple things we can do to create a more sustainable home.  Here are some ideas to Conserve Energy by Increasing Efficiency.  Seal up small cracks around doors, electrical outlets, and windows and save up to 15 percent on your heating and cooling bill.  AFM Safecoat provides effect...
Does anyone out there (in New Mexico) know of an appraiser that specializes (or at least has a wide knowledge base) in green home appraisals?  Green built homes -should- carry a higher value per foot than do "non-eco" homes but there are so few green homes out there to compare.  In fact, The Nati...
As a green builder with Albuquerque's Earth Origins Construction, I am constantly researching and pondering over the best products and processes to use to make a home both green and beautiful.  (Although in my mind, anything that is sustainably built is, by principle, beautiful.)  As a real estat...
Sure, it can be tough as a self-empoyed Realtor, qualifying broker (with no employees to manage!), General Contractor, and green builder.  Especially these days with the real estate market so stagnant.  (Although must not complain as Albuquerque's market is not as bad as many other across the nat...
As I am in the midst of building a green home, it is important to me to make sure that the aesthetics and "energy" of this home  reflect, honor, and bring forth the power and beauty of the earth.  I want the "what" and the "how" to converge, so that not only do the building practices honor this p...
As a new blogger I am excited to read all the responses to my earlier post regarding "to microwave or not?".  One of the themes  which emerged from readers comments that I wanted to underscore was that we live in a world surrounded by electromagnatic energy and pollution.  That the mere fact I am...
As mentioned in an earlier entry, I am a green builder and am currently building a totally eco-friendly home in Albuquerque's North Valley.  One of the questions my wife/partner and I are deliberating over is whether or not to install a mircowave into the home.  We have made the mindful choice to...

Paul Chavez

Albuquerque Realtor, NM EcoBroker, and General Contractor
local_phone(505) 688-1228
smartphone(505) 688-1228
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