Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it... Lao Tzu This post was authored by and this photo taken by Paul Henderson. ©2013, All Rights Reserved, This content may not be reproduced or reprinted (Except for ActiveRain Re-blogging) without express written permission...
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower... Albert Camus This post was authored by and this photo taken by Paul Henderson. ©2013, All Rights Reserved, This content may not be reproduced or reprinted (Except for ActiveRain Re-blogging) without express written permission of Paul H...
DuPont gets a grocery store, (FINALLY) For close to fifty years of talk of having a supermarket in DuPont, we got a grocery store. It's not a supermarket by any means but it does fill a niche that is sorely missed especially when the exchanges and the commissary are closed on JBLM. The store is...
End of the Selling Season at Hartstene Pointe... Over the years, trends become very apparent. The first trend is if you want to sell your home or property at Hartstene Pointe is to get it on the market before Memorial Day. The selling season at the Pointe traditionally runs from May through Sep...
Paul, There is smoke coming out of my refridgerator! How many of you get a phone calls like that from a past client? I often receive calls from spouses, whose signicant other is away on business or deployed overseas. I am use to it however this one caught my attention. I answered the call by fir...
Thank you for such a sweet journey. I wasn't the first million pointer but I have enjoyed every day I have been associated with ActiveRain. The people I have met here have given me so much support, knowledge and more than one smile each day. I spend every morning with several of you and I hope ...
No, ActiveRain hasn't made me a better stager or home inspector! Why do I spend time each and every day reading ActiveRain blogs by professional stagers and professional home inspectors? Because it makes me a better real estate broker. I pick up at least one tidbit each day that I can use, to h...
How many of you have received a back door referral recently? A back door referral is one that comes after the fact; that is after you have shown a client property or listed a house at the bequest of your client. I find it disturbing how many people call after I have showed Buyers a house and want...