When great marketing ideas turn bad! What's a boy to do when on floor duty and the phone hasn't rung all day. I was cleaning my desk when I found an old state licensing violations report. This is always good reading and a scare factor to keep us on the straight and narrow. I've kept this copy ...
Do you find yourself with a hunger for authentic Mexican Food? While we're at it you might as well acquire the best Margarita in Tacoma and Pierce County. Look no farther, I have done the painstaking research. The original Mis Tres Amigos! My family and I have been going here for 20 years a...
Reality is wrong, dreams are for real... Tupac Shakur Why is it, whenever we talk of reality we always speak of it as a disappointment? (face it, that's reality). Now when we speak of dreams, at least in my case, I'm very optimistic! Why can't we be optimistic for both??? This post was auth...
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see a shadow... Helen Keller This post was authored and photo taken by Paul Henderson. ©2013, All Rights Reserved, This content may not be reproduced or reprinted (Except for ActiveRain Re-blogging) without express written permission of Paul Hen...
Have you ever dealt with a mystery consumer or secret shopper! Several of my fellow agents talk of being tested by secret shoppers. My first question is how do you know that these people are secret shoppers. Lets define what a secret shopper or mystery shopping is and does; Mystery shopping o...
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards... Soren Kierkegaard Life would be so easy if you could understand everything before it happened. I guess that's why experience helps us deal with like situations. Two situations are never exactly alike however if you learn ...
Lunch and learn with an old friend! Yesterday, I was fortunate that my company had booked a special guest for a tech update in our lunch and learn series. The guest speaker was an old ActiveRain friend René Fabre. I got there early and René and I had to laugh how much we know about each other ...
Face it, we all need professional help from time to time. I own Rental Property. I appreciate knowing that my property is safe and my tenants are well taken care of. In the past 12 years I have put my Rental Property in the hands of Willow Properties. I have found them to be very efficient and ...
The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper… Eden Phillpots I find it interesting, what I discover every day. It's been there all the time however I haven't noticed its presence. This post was authored and photo taken by Paul Henderson. ©2013, All...
The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart... Mencius I feel sorry for those who have lost their child's vision of the world.It is by far a lot more innocent than that polluted by misguided belief... This post was authored and photo taken by Paul Henderson. ©2013, All Rights Reser...