According to the EPA, 20% of New England homes rely on private wells for drinking water. Yet despite the obvious importance, many people don't know if their water is potable? Well water should be tested annually for the quality of the drinking water. Tests are performed for bacteria and other
What should you fix before you put your home on the market? I am often called in by sellers who want to know what they need to fix to be prepared for the market. There are certain issues that commonly appear on home inspections. Address these up front, and you have a better chance of not losin
Ok, I'm a confessed adrenaline junkie, so the film "The Science of Adrenaline" at the Boston Museum of Science was a "must see"! As you may have surmised from my picture, between listings and sales I enjoy club & vintage car racing - lately running my blue '67 Porsche 911. Cars have always been
To help protect against Identity Theft try a Credit Freeze. The 3 major credit reporting companies - TransUnion, Experian and Equifax - allow you to freeze access to your credit reports for a fee of $5/Freeze. Once a Credit or Security Freeze is placed on your account, credit reporting agencies
It may come as a surprise, but even in today's global economy, nearly 4 of every 10 homeowners still live in their home town! What motivates those who do move? A better economic opportunity is the top reason for out-of-town moves. With Boston listed
GOT MOLD? "Got milk"? Well that might be good, but if you've "Got Mold" - or have made a claim based on water damage - you might find you haven't got insurance! Even if your insurer isn't looking into your water problems, they are looking into the profiles of their insured. Made a claim
The market advantage for a middle-aged home:Inside every dark cloud there's a silver lining! In this housing market new construction has all but vanished, leaving a sales opportunity for owners of middle-aged homes.Think of the marketing advantages! Older homes are located in established neigh
Scenario: Listed home sells for $5,000 above asking. Bank appraisal comes in $25,000 below sale price. Real Life Result: After Buyer agreed to put $10,000 more cash into the deal, Seller still received $15,000 less than the originally agreed price. What happened: The recent rules change regardin
I visited the Museum of Modern Art in NYC for the MOMA history of prefabrication and its exhibit of (5) modern prefab homes erected on an adjacent lot. Prefabs have evolved beyond early designs which were often uninspired, to the viable exciting alternatives I saw displayed - like the Cellophane
When the court summons arrived in the mail, my friend was shocked! He knew his wallet had been stolen out of his truck on a job-site, but he couldn't believe his stolen identity had been used to commit a crime? Several missed days of work and a legal fee later, he was excused from the matter. Be