Is Your Business Buying You an X-Mas Present? Is your business buying you a Christmas present, or Hanukkah present, or giving you some kind year-end bonus? I said X-mas in the title so as not to offend anyone: there is Christmas, the religious kind and there is the more popular X-mas, celebrated...
The Mysteries of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico The excerpt below is from a travel account that my friend Ellen shared with family and friends after her trip to the southwest. I have Ellen's permission to post her write-up and photos. Enjoy, as I did. It's an almost haunting description of a very int...
Paying It Forward: Community Service Club of New Fairfield Bakes Apple Pies Community Service Club of New Fairfield is a local service organization established “to provide service and financial assistance through fundraising for the promotion of the common good and general welfare of the Town of...
Santa’s Headquarters at the Danbury Fair Mall Did you know that Santa has established his Headquarters at the Danbury Fair Mall this year? Well, there you have it. Just in case you’d like to drop by, the Danbury Fair Mall is at: 7 Backus AvenueDanbury, CT 06810off of I-84 and Rte 7 The Dan...
IKEA’S SOFT TOYS ARE THE BEST, THEY ARE VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE When our children were growing up, we loved all IKEA kid products. The toys are adorable, durable and reasonably priced. The soft ones are the only ones that remain in our home, they’ve been passed on to our Border Collie puppy, Ma...
New Fairfield, Connecticut is a BUY! Real Estate Market Report Photo by Olga Home Prices in New Fairfield, CT for January - November 2015Real Estate market information for New Fairfield, CT provided by Olga Simoncelli, Broker/Owner of Veritas Prime Real Estate. Data is based on MLS statistics. ...
Is Bullying Covered by the Realtors’ Code of Ethics? During a recent Real Estate Continuing Education class on the subject of the Realtors’ Code of Ethics, the following situation came to light: a newer agent from an independent firm called the local association executive, to complain about the...
Need Some Extra $$ for the Holidays? Cash In On Your e-Waste! E-Waste is probably not a dictionary term as yet, but the concept is certainly around, as are the piles of said e-Waste. Just google it and you’ll see the junk yards full of it. What is e-Waste? Here’s how a California government...
The ever popular New Fairfield Sherman Animal Welfare Society (NFSAW) Holiday Boutique is back! This year's Holiday Boutique will be on:Saturday, December 5th, 2015 10:00am - 4:00PM at: the New Fairfield Senior Center, Community Room33 State Route 37New Fairfield, CT 06812 The typical things ...
Can a Little Conjunction Change Your Ownership Rights? Manage Your Risk. There may be much ambiguity in drafting legal documents. The subtle differences might not be apparent to a layman. I am not an attorney, but an exchange at a vehicle registration facility in Miami, Florida caught my attenti...