MLS#: 540466 OfficeFile#: ListPrice: $179,900 Status: Active Last Change: 6/27/2010 ApproxSF: 3,124 BG: Address: 1229 GILLMAN RD $/Sqft: $57.58 WESTVILLE, FL Bedrooms: 3 Zip: 32464 Baths Full/Half: 3/ County: HOLMES Stories: 1 MainArea: 30 Other Counties YearBuilt: 2001 SubArea: 03 HOLMES COUN
Crestview Office2514 S. Ferdon Blvd.Crestview, FL 32536 Fort Walton Beach Office350 Racetrack Road, Suite AFort Walton Beach, FL 32547 Destin Office36008 Emerald Coast Pkwy, Ste 201Destin, FL 32541 Niceville Office4504 Hwy 20 E., Ste. ANiceville, FL 32578 Pace Office5561 Woodbine RoadPace,
I got two calls yesterday from nice people who let me know that John's name and a fraudulent email address is attached to a scam/fraud rental ad. I have sent 3 emails to Craigslist to remove it. Still nothing. The ad is still online, with an unbelievably low rent, and 'send your deposit to Afric
A reminder came out from my local MLS board that property management scams on Craigslist, is also making the rounds on EBay and other websites. Members of Ebay need to be aware that scam artists are posting residential listings, complete with pictures, online. The fraudulent listings are post
Name:Solutions to Cleanup the Gulf Coast Oil Spill!Category:Common Interest - Current EventsDescription:Why is this not being disscussed as an option on the news to help clean up the oil leak?Privacy Type:Open: All content is public. This i
In an effort to keep people coming to this area the TDC. The tourist development council had put this together in one week. The Northwest Florida Daily this week advertised the event and word has spread. Adjacent to the Boardwalk, and listen to legendary artists Kenny Loggins and the Doobie B
Tickets were available starting on Wednesday June 23rd this past week for Jimmy Buffett's free concert from the beach in Gulf Shores, Ala. also tickets were available at, and all Ticketmaster outlets starting at 10 a.m. CDT on Wednesday. The concert will feature perfo
BP does it again. Days after the news came out of the disaster BP created in the Gulf Coast area, Jimmy Buffett contacted and teamed up with Vero Beach boat builders Dragonfly Boatworks to design and build special "S.W.A.T" boats to help rescue the wildlife in the area. (Read full article her
I ran across a disturbing video today I wanted to share with everyone. This Venice LA local has been granted full security clearance... has seen the disaster from every possible angle and is NOT impressed. Hear the horrors of the front lines and behind scenes workings of the BP Gulf Oil Spill Ca
I had seen this on TV and have seen ad's from them before but this one has stuck with me this is right to the point. Over 11,000 Guardsmen have been sent to clean up an oil company's mess, when they could be fighting our enemies and protecting America. Just another reason we need clean energy re