I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I DID NOT HAVE EVEN ONE CALL AND I CHECKED MY PHONE SEVERAL TIMES!! Sometimes we welcome silence, no phones ringing, no guests at the house. But weekends in real estate we expect calls, lot of calls from prospective buyers, our signs, advertising, other agents and inquiries ...
I AWOKE THIS A.M. THINKING THAT IT WAS REAL!! TRUE STORY!! I had a deal fall through on a contract to purchase last week. I have been doing everything I can, it seems 24/7, to get another contract on this property. The property has been shown about 8-9 times this past week. I had two agents t...
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU HAD A BUYER TURN INTO A RENTER RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES?? I have been blindsided by this activity a few times. Buyers contact you and say: Show me houses, lots of houses, I want to see a few different communities. Here is my pre-qual letter I have a downpayment We want to b...
MARY WALSH IS BACK AND KICKIN' BUTT!! I think we all know the true value of a good Office Manager. Mine is a lovely woman with a delightful Irish brogue named Mary Walsh. I have worked with Mary in a previous company and was very happy, along with the other agents, to learn that re-joined my pr...
Diane Lombardino | Bluffs Real Estate 13382 N 89th Place, West Palm Beach, FL WOW! Beautiful, Move-In Condition!!! 4BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $379,900 Year Built 1998 Sq Footage 1,914 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking Unspecified Lot Size 50,094 sqft HOA/Maint $...
TWO SEASONAL RENTALS AVAILABLE IN THE "JEWEL OF JUPITER"...READ ON... JUST LISTED, your choice................ 1300 S. A1A, #520, Spacious 2/2 condo completed updated with granite kitchen and baths, custom mirrors, tile throughout, nicely furnished, awesome sunset views, steps to the ocean, cent...
DO I HOLD THAT OPEN HOUSE OR NOT??? Rainy days in south Florida are a little differenet. It could rain all day with a light drizzle and intermitent thunder storms or it could rain on one side of the street and not the other and it could be gone in minutes and the sun comes out. It could be a mo...
MY RECENT MOVE TO ANOHER COMPANY WAS THE RIGHT MOVE FOR ME!! I arrived with a hearty WELCOME from the Broker and the Agents. To my initial disappointment, there was no red carpet, no flowers on my desk, no limo to take me to my appointments. I just fell into place and continue...
REALTORS HIT HARD WITH GAS PRICES, TOO! Everyone from the airlines to the grocery store are passing on the cost of fuel to run their business. What about Realtors? How to we pass on the cost of fuel to run our business? I am currently at between $175 to $200 per week in gasoline costs. I have ...
THE DEVASTATION FROM THE TORNADOS THAT HIT THE MID STATES IS UNBELIEVABLE!!I hope everyone reading this post is having a nice Sunday afternoon celebrating Mother's Day or just relaxing. I just read the Sunday papers and viewed some CNN news. It suddenly dawned on me how real the tornados are an...