
Well, today just may be the day that I reach the milestone of 120K in Activerain --- My what a journey that it has been --- I have really learned so much from all of you - Thanks to all that take their time to share with us -- You know that what goes around, comes around.  What you give out - wil...
WOW! I started Friday out on such a positive note and by noon it seemed like everything had fallen apart --- I had the right mindset - had everything in place to finish the week with some great numbers --- accepted contracts - negotiating more deals - adding new clients --- By noon, so many thing...
Good Morning Activerainers!  We have almost completed another 5 day work week and I am grateful and excited with everything that has happened in our business this week --- I have a very grateful heart!  When we look around and see what has happened in the other countries --- don't you just feel ...
Well, here I am again this morning asking for advice and I know that you will come to my rescue --- I am committed to blogging more this year and I need all the advice that I can get --- I need to know how to set up an outside blog --- I know now that when I blog on Activerain that it goes to Twi...
It just occurred to me this morning that maybe the government would pay for some of our online courses and for us Realtors to get some new designations --- Do you know if that would be possible or is that just wishful thinking on my part?  That would be great!!!  I am planning on taking some clas...
While many agents will say they will sell your home, the reality of the real estate market today is this simply doesn't always happen.  The fact of the matter is many of the homes do not sell at all.  Needless to say, this is highly frustrating to a home Seller like you.  More importantly it can ...
Hope everyone is having a great New Year thus far --- I have read so much about goals and plans for the New Year and I have to honestly say that I know goals are a must for getting what you want out of LIFE!!  I know they have to be written down and tell everyone --- it is just something about vo...
I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful day - Happy 2010 to all of you - I always think about an old saying that my Mother always would say each year when the New Year would arrive -- she would always say - "Whatever you do on New Year's Day - you will do all year long" - Now I know that is...

Norma J. Elkins

Realtor - Elkins Home Selling Team
local_phone(423) 307-8566
smartphone(423) 748-3791
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