It's that time of month again. The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices came out yesterday. The full report can be found here. Quickly, The S&P/Case-Shiller National U.S. Home Price Index, which is the leading measure of U.S. home prices, tracks the value of single-family housing nat
There are Black Friday deals to be had across the country. Why not buy a Phoenix home? Sound outrageous? Well, it's actually quite a good deal. While interest rates are low and home prices competitive, it's not a bad idea to buy that vacation home you may have been eyeing. Seventy-nine percent of
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it's a great day to stop and reflect on all of our blessings and things to be thankful for. I thought I would put together a list of five things - related to Phoenix and real estate - that we can be grateful for this year. Please chime in with your own items as well.
I received a call from my Judy Povio, my lender-partner at Wells Fargo Bank today about some of the newest crack downs in the loan arena. Specifically, she pointed me to an article in the Wall Street Journal that talks about a new thriving industry: loan detectives. It turns out that there are h
It's the week of Thanksgiving and the holiday decorations are coming out. Joy is in the air! And then I read this great article in Realtor Magazine about holiday decorations while your home is on the market. They had some good tips that I'd like to share with all of you. Now if your home is on th
The Arizona Republic reported today that the state's unemployment rate fell to 9.5 percent in October. They also reported on some encouraging hiring trends, specifically in the construction industry, which could breathe new life into a struggling sector as well as create more stability in the Ari
I was featured on® again - they posted a blog I wrote called "Case-Shiller Numbers on Home Prices Remain Encouraging." Go read the full post, but the gist was this: According to the Case-Shiller numbers, home prices fell a very small amount - 0.2 percent - in August. This is the first
Foreclosures fell 9 percent last month. Is this reason to celebrate? Not quite yet. As CNN reported last week, this decline is largely due to the bank freeze of foreclosures. They wrote that "Foreclosure filings of all kinds, including notices of default, notices of auctions and notices of auctio
The weather is amazing right now, isn't it? The fantastic weather coupled with all of the talk recently about national and international real estate investors entering the Arizona market, made me think about all of the reasons people do choose to live here (either part or full-time). One of those
I've blogged a lot about mortgage rates but there is a reason - they are crazy low! Rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages hit an average of 4.3 percent last month, the lowest level since 1953. Fifteen-year rates are even more attractive, hovering around 3.8 percent. And, yes, these are averages m