How often have you wanted to do something but it wasn’t the right time? I hear that a lot, especially from prospective home buyers and sellers. But what if you could predict where the Phoenix AZ Real Estate market was headed? Would that influence your decision? Well, now you might be able to pred
I was talking the other day with a prospective client who’s currently what we call a “FSBO” – meaning he’s listed his home as “For Sale By Owner.” His Scottsdale home has been on the market for 8 months (about 2 months longer than the average active Scottsdale home listing), so he’s wondering
Phoenix Home Prices Down Slightly Again Real estate markets across the country (including the Phoenix housing market) seemed to get the jitters in January, according to the recent S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index, last released on April 27. In every Case-Shiller market (20 of the country’s la
Yesterday at the Annual Economic Outlook Luncheon three experts offered their predictions for the next year in Arizona. Lee McPheters, director of the JPMorgan Chase Economic Outlook Center at ASU, said that economists had hoped to find some rays of sunshine in the housing market but instead fo
I was featured on® again – they posted a blog I wrote called “Grab Your Inner Tube: Short Sales are the Next Wave in Real Estate.” Go read the full post, but the gist was this: there is a coming wave in Phoenix short sales (which the numbers back up), and that’s actually a good thin
“For the first time in three years, the ASU-RSI (Repeat Sales Index) is showing an increase in residential prices: preliminary data for March show that year-over-year, prices for homes in the lower-price and foreclosure segments in Phoenix turned positive.” That’s according to the latest ASU
There was a great article in the New York Times the other day about how buying, in a lot of real estate markets, makes much more sense now than renting. I’ve blogged about the rent v. buy decision before, but this article gives some great new insight to the decision making process. The first
05/04/2010 recently ranked Phoenix as one of only seven cities with great real estate deals. Here’s what the article had to say about real estate in Phoenix Arizona: “Phoenix has one of the strongest economies in the country right now, according to our experts. ‘Good universities in the are
I have a client who I’m helping short sale her Phoenix area home. She knows that she’s going to have to rent for 2 to 5 years after the short sale, and she’s incredibly disappointed about it -- there really hasn’t ever been a better time to buy, and there may not be another opportunity like this
Real estate markets across the country (including the Phoenix housing market) seemed to get the jitters in January, according to the recent S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index, last released on March 30. In every Case-Shiller market (20 of the country’s largest), except for San Diego and Los Angele