January 7, 12-1 p.m. Lifewise at Lunch: The Secret to Success, workshop with Amy Wood, Psy.D., make 2010 your year to feel more empowered and happy at home and work, learn a proven formula to making your life more rewarding, with resources you already have, Kennebunk Free Library, 112 Main Street...
January 8, 6 p.m. Teacher's Lounge Mafia's newest comedic performance "Three Course Meal," interactive dinner theatre serving Steve's Chicken Pie, $12/person, mature audience, Black Mountain Ski Resort, 36 Glover Road, Rumford. FMI: 207.364.9877, or www.teachersloungemafi...
Four beautiful bodies of water in the western mountains and Lakes Region provide bountiful recreation opportunities and settings for vacation homes, camps and cottagesĀ in Norway, Maine. Norway is located 2 Ā½ hours from Boston, one hour from Portland, and 20 minutes from Shawnee Peak or Mt Abram S...
December 31, 5 p.m.-midnight, 12th Annual New Year's Bethel, potluck supper, State Street Traditional Jazz Band, Western Mountains Senior Players, marshmallow roasting, community sing-a-long, dancing, children's parade, 11:45 p.m. short walk down Main Street to the town clock for the annual New Y...
December 31, 4:30-6:30 p.m. First Annual "First Night" celebration, bonfire, family-friendly activities, fireworks at 5:30, bring the family to the beach for an early kick-off of your New Year's celebration, various locations, Old Orchard Beach. FMI: December 31, 7:00 p.m.-1:30 a....
December 31, 6 p.m. Mt. Abram New Year's Eve Bash, featuring music from Brand New Mixture, a reggae, jazz and calypso band, dinner, fireworks, prices vary, reservations required, Mt. Abram Ski Resort, 300 Howe Hill Road, Greenwood. FMI: 207.875.5000. December 31, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Sugarloaf Family N...
Looking for a Maine lakefront property, a summer retreat, or a camp or cottage in the western Mountains and Lakes Region of Maine? Located less than an hour from Portland and Augusta and 30 minutes from Maine Wildlife Park in Gray are two great bodies of water you should check out - Pleasant Lake...
December 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. American Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by the Bridgton Lions Club, Masonic Hall, Harrison Road, Bridgton. FMI: 207.647.3342, December 24, all day, Seniors Ski Free, age 65 and older ski/ride free, ID required, Sunday River Ski Resort, 15 South...
December 25, 1-4 p.m. Christmas Dinner, $45/person plus tax and gratuity, reservations please, Clay Hill Farm Restaurant, 220 Clay Hill Road, Cape Neddick, York. FMI: 207.361.2272, December 26-30, hours vary, 5th Annual Festival of Lights, "Visions of Sugarplums," Saco Museu...
December 26, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Spruce Mountain Ski Slope Opening Day, Get Loose at Spruce! 65 and older ski for free, Spruce Mountain Ski Slope, Ski Slope Road, Jay. FMI: 207.897.4090, December 26, 8 p.m. Fender Bender, quartet, blend of rock classics and originals, Little Da...