steve's White Mountain Blog

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Managing Real Estate Broker - Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - NHRE# 02863
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As the local kids return to school, as the parents celebrate and the businesses on Main Street prepare for the last hoo-rah of the summer, the mountains remain the same. Lincoln, NH sits at about 811 feet with surrounding peaks getting up into 5000ft. Mount Washington is the highest peak in New H...
            It’s 8:25 a.m. today, August 24, 2016 in Lincoln, NH: The sound of bagpipes fills Church Street. As I continue my morning routine of rushing about like a madwoman gathering objects in my condo to bring into the Real Estate office my body comes to a hault- when is the last time I heard...
The “Millennial” generation, a generation tbd. They’re known as radicals, rebels, the egotistical generation still dependent on their parents well into their late 20s. With so many not so young adults living with their parents and a higher than ever debt to income ratio, many Realtors and Brokers...
Many thanks to CityBlast... We are about to re-launch our web site after hiring a new Web master. I hope to incorporate these Strategies in to the roll-out. CityBlast also gave a great webinare on Facebook ads recently that I found very insightful and helpful in developing a winning solution for ...
With Nearly half of the State of New Hampshire being either State or National Forest Lands, I guess it's no wonder the woodland creatures have the run of the place. And I'm not talking about the deep dark recesses of the Forest... no right in my back yard on any given day, we find wild life in ab...

Steve Loynd

800-926-5653, White Mountains NH
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Steve Loynd

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