steve's White Mountain Blog

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Managing Real Estate Broker - Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - NHRE# 02863
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Everyone talks about Location...but in New Hampshire a low tax town with a premiere boarding school and access to the most sought after lake in the state coupled with an extraordinary price for a 5 bedroom home with five acres has a lot more going for it than just a great price. _________________...
The Franconia Notch State Park offers a swimming lake, a fishing pond, several mountains over 4,000 feet in elevation, paved bike trails that becomes snowmobile trails in winter and Cannon Mountain Ski Area...the home to the oldest Tram - lift in America (also home to Olympic ski racer Bode Mille...
The Road Not Taken.Yes That Robert Frost...!The Robert Frost Museum (his former summer home) is locate on a nondescript little dirt road in New Hampshire...assuredly as it should be.The view of a full moon on the first night of summer...was pretty magical.As was the Sunset that followed... the ho...
All of New England Knows the White mountains for Winter Skiing... But ?? Summer time is just as much fun and adventurous as the rest of the seasons. Coming to the White Mountains of New Hampshire to beat the heat of a New England Summer? Try the Whales Tale Water Park…the Kiddie Pool,  Ship Wreck...
Taking time to smell the Roses means more to me today than in summers past. It was just a quint saying that I didn't give much thoughts to. But today marks Ten month since a terrible fall from a tall ladder. Broken bones and physical therapy...gets you thinking about smelling the front...
It is all in the details…! 104 Little River Road in Twin Mountain MLS# 4465207, NH is a perfect example of a custom built log home:         ·         Property is free of any restrictions, covenants, easements, right-of-Way, leases, restrictive covenants, attachments, life estates or right of firs...

Steve Loynd

800-926-5653, White Mountains NH
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