New Construction - spacious Loon Mountain ski resort- townhouses. Check out the MLS Link: The Pines at Forest Ridge. The Duplex style condo offers as much as 2,700 square feet of living space when you finish the lower level walk out...and has 4 bedrooms + 3&1/2 BathsThe South Peak
When Families are looking for a White Mountain New Hampshire Resort home... How many time have I heard "We would love a water front location that we can ski home to at the end of the day". You know that mystical unicorn property with skiing and water on both sides of your vacation home. Ok... Sk
Is your Real Estate agent a domesticated breed or circus animal? I have asked potential clients this question in the past to get a reaction and to make a point. Point #1 : Not all licensed real estate agents are “Realtor’s” and even then not all Realtors are domesticated. Point #2 : Not all Real