steve's White Mountain Blog

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Managing Real Estate Broker - Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - NHRE# 02863
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GASOLINE AND CELLS PHOTOS DON'T MIX....WARNING...WARNING...WARNING....PLEASE READ.  The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations In the first case, the phone was placed on the car's trunk lid dur...
My Friends on Facebook inspired my story of "What star do you look like". Being John Scheider... my homage to the dukes of Hazard   I was accosted by a boy scout troop once at a Red Sox game (when I was much younger)...but they figured it out after a while. Bo Duke Wouldn't swear when the F#@*ing...
When moving water grinds to a halt you know it's cold outside. Today's walk along the river produced a few photos. I hope you enjoy a walk up the Pemigewasset River from Woodstock to Lincoln New Hampshire. Slabs of ice two feet thick, heavy enough to break fully grown trees, is some serious power...
I'm always amazed by the strength of water, We had some three inches of rain a few days ago. The violent roar of the river heaved literally tons of ice fifty feet up on the banks and stacked it ten feet high. Here is a look at the block of ice in their new resting place. Here is a different persp...
  Today's Mind Benders...Enjoy!!   What did the instructor at the school for Kamikaze pilots tell his students? Watch closely I’m only going to do this once Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister in the state of California? Probably not, since he’s dead. How many times can you subtract...
Maintenance-man at your service. One of my Client's is in a Nursing home and the state will be relieving her of the money coming out of her property( when it closes). Those facts don't minimize her concern for a home she has lived in for the last 40 years. Needless to say there is no money availa...
A Win by Attrition is still a win. Game faces everyone...we are not here to keep the seats warm. If they are bigger than you be faster than them. If they have a skilled longer and harder than them. If they have more money than you, be smarter with your spending than them. I compete w...
  Lincoln New Hampshire, The second largest town in the state featuring 95% of its land area within the White Mountain National Forest. We have a very small year round population, mostly second homes and retirement properties,this combines to make our property tax bill one of the lowest in the st...
Took a Few Shots from my ski day Thursday and wanted to share them with you all...the Summit of Loon Mountain in Lincoln NH. Enjoy the views, it was a spectacular ski day...if you like 10 degree weather and a wind chill below zero. Fresh snow in the trees with one lone skier enjoying the view fro...
  One of the most unique features of the South Peak Home sites at Loon Mountain is you can ski home from New Hampshire Most Popular resort.   A handful of homes are so close to the owners trails that they designed a bridge to span from their house to the trail…this is exclusive access to the ski ...

Steve Loynd

800-926-5653, White Mountains NH
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Steve Loynd

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